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View Categories

19 min read


Capabilities Scorecard shows the list of all the Categories, Topics and Questions that are added in admin. There are different types of questions displaying on this step. These are scored multi select questions, scored single select questions, non-scored multi select questions, non-scored single select questions and non-scored free text questions. It calculates the Overall Score as well as the Progressive Overall Score for the categories and Topics. It means as user selects the responses of a question the scores start displaying according to the selection, only if it is a scored question. Displays other partners average score according to a particular question (. i.e., Peer Score). There is a Set Goals option in which partner can set some goals to achieve the success and display what are the Action plan for this also. There is export option, in which you can download the scorecard in excel or ppt format for offline purposes.

Features/Components #

There are 4 steps to complete Capabilities Scorecard, which includes

  • Questionnaire
  • Capabilities Scorecard
  • Set Goals
  • Action Plan

Questionnaire #

Why The scorecard questionnaire is designed to assist in gathering information of partner related data. The scorecard questionnaire allows to collect data on partner skills and capabilities very efficiently .
What On Questionnaire tab it shows the list of all the Categories, Topics and Questions that are added in admin. There are different types of questions displaying on this step. These are scored multi select questions, scored single select questions, non-scored multi select questions, non-scored single select questions and non-scored free text questions. It calculates the Overall Score as well as the Progressive Overall Score for the categories and topics. Progressive Overall, Category and Topic scores are calculated. It means as user selects the responses of a question the scores start displaying according to the selection.
    • There are 4 tabs in the secondary navigation. The first tab will be selected by default when user comes on Scorecard page.
    • On Questionnaire page there are Categories, Topics and Questions. Each Category has multiple topics, each topic can have multiple questions.
    • On the top left side there are numbers that represents the number of categories. In the attached screenshot there are 8 categories. User can switch between the categories by clicking on these numbers.

Categories Navigation #

Categories Navigation
Why If there are more than one category, then it helps partners to easily navigate the categories and display the topics and questions of that particular selected category.
How it Works
  1. The numbers denote the number of categories created in the admin
  2. User can navigate to different Categories on clicking these numbers.
  3. In the attachment screenshot there are 8 categories created by admin.
  4. One with white background denotes the active category on which currently the partner is.

Radio Buttons #

Radio Buttons
  1. These are the response for the questions.
  2. Questions are of different types
    • Profile (Open Ended).
    • Graduated (Scored)
    • Graduated (Non-Scored)
    • Multiple Choice (Scored)
    • Multiple Choice (Non- Scored)
    • Depending on the question type responses are defined. i.e., single select or multiple select or opened.
    • Except profile (open ended) question type, radio button is used for all other types.

Profile (Open Ended) #

Profile (Open Ended)
  • It allows partners to answer in open text format so that they can answer based on their complete understanding and knowledge.
  • Purpose of non-scored questions is to only gather the information about the partner and it has no impact on score.
  1. It is a type of question where there is no option to select.
  2. User can write the answer freely about the question.
  3. In the screenshot above we can see N/S displaying in a blue box. It means that the question is Non-Scored .All the open-ended questions will always be Non-Scored.
  4. Open-Ended questions will never display on Step 3 and 4 of Scorecard.

Multiple Choice (Non-Scored) #

Multiple Choice
  • The main purpose is to select one or more responses of a question.
  • Purpose of non-scored questions is to only gather the information about the partner and it has no impact on score.
  1. There are options for a question to select.
  2. Options may be 2, 3, 4 or more.
  3.  Its name itself explain that options are multi selected. But there is no score for these responses. like shown in the screenshot.
  4. Multiple Choice (Non-Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard

Multiple Choice (Scored) #

Multiple Choice (Scored)
  • The main purpose is to select one or more responses of a question.
  • Purpose of scored questions is to gather the information about the partner and each response have score. Partner’s assessment is monitored by the scores. Higher the score is better is the partner performance.
  1. There are options for a question to select.
  2. Options may be 2, 3, 4 or more.
  3. Its name itself explain that options are multi selected. And for every option there is score.
  4. There are 8 options (excluding ‘None of the above”) given in the above screenshot. Total score is 100, irrespective of the options count. Options are 8. So, per option score will be 100/ 8 = 12.5
  5. In Multiple Choice (Scored) questions we will see how many responses are selected. In the above screen shot 4 options are selected. So, we will calculate like 12.5(explained in point 4) *4 (count of selected options) = 50. So, the score is 50 for that particular question.
  6. The option that is “None of the above” has no score. That’s why it is not calculated.
  7. If “None of the above” is selected all the other options for a question will get deselected.
  8. If “None of the above” is selected then the score will be always 0 for that question.
  9. We do not display “None of the above” option on Step 3 and 4 of Capabilities Scorecard.
  10. Multiple Choice (Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard
One Open Ended and another is Multiple choice Scored question under one topic
  1. Suppose there are 2 numbers of questions in a topic. One is multiple choice scored and another is open ended.
  2. There are 6 options (excluding ‘None of the above”) given in the above screenshot. Total score is 100, irrespective of the options count. Options are 6. So, per option score will be 100/ 6 = 16.67
  3. In Multiple Choice (Scored) questions we will see how many responses are selected. In the above screen shot 3 options are selected. So, we will calculate like 16.67(explained in point 3) *3 (count of selected options) = 50.
  4. The Open-Ended question is always non scored. So, the Topic score is 50 (i.e., score of only the first question) .
  5. If “None of the above” is selected all the other options for a question will get deselected.
  6. If “None of the above” is selected then the score will be always 0 for that question.
  7. We do not display “None of the above” option on Step 3 and 4 of Capabilities Scorecard.
  8. In 2nd question, as it is open ended, there is no score for its answer.
  9. Open Ended Questions will never display on Step 2, 3 and 4 of Scorecard.
  10. Multiple Choice (Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard.
  11. So, for this topic, the overall score is 50.

Graduated (Scored) #

Graduated (Scored)
  • The main purpose is to select only one appropriate response.
  • Purpose of scored questions is to gather the information about the partner and each response have score.
How it Works
  1. There are options for a question to select.
  2. Options may be 2, 3, 4 or more.
  3. “Graduated” means User can select only one option at a time. And for the option there is score.
  4. The option that is “None of the above” has no score. That’s why it is not calculated.
  5. In given screenshot here are 6 options (excluding ‘None of the above”) given. Total score is 100. Options are 6. So, per option score will be 100/ 6 = 16.67 (17)
  6. If user selects 2nd option, the score will be 16.67+16.67= 33.34(33) or 16.67*2= 33.34(33)
  7. If user select 6th option, then the score will be 16.67*6= 100.02(100)
  8. If “None of the above” is selected then the score will be always 0 for that question.
  9. We do not display “None of the above” option on Step 3 and 4 of Capabilities Scorecard.
  10. Graduated (Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard.
Two questions of
Graduated (Scored)
Under one topic
How Suppose there are 2 questions of Graduated (Scored) under a single topic, then the score will define this way.

  1. For 1st question there are 6 options. Per option score will be 100/ 6 = 16.67. Likewise for 2nd question.
  2. Score will be defined like, if for 1st question user select 1st option and for 2nd question user select 2nd option.
  3. Then score will be average of both options score. i.e. (16.67 + 33.34)/ 2 = 50/2=25
  4. If “None of the above” is selected then the score will be always 0 for that question.
  5. We do not display “None of the above” option on Step 3 and 4 of Capabilities Scorecard.
  6. Graduated (Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard.
One Graduated Scored and one Open ended question under one topic
  1. Suppose there are 2 numbers of questions in a topic. One is graduated scored and another is open ended.
  2. There are 6 options (excluding ‘None of the above”) given in the above screenshot. Total score is 100, irrespective of the options count. Options are 6. So, per option score will be 100/ 6 = 16.67
  3. In graduated (Scored) questions we will see which responses is selected. In the above screen shot 4th option is selected. So, we will calculate like 16.67(explained in point 3) *4 (count of selected options) = 66.68(67%).
  4. The option that is “None of the above” has no score. That’s why it is not calculated.
  5. If “None of the above” is selected then the score will be always 0 for that question.
  6. We do not display “None of the above” option on Step 3 and 4 of Capabilities Scorecard.
  7. In 2nd question, as it is open ended, there is no score for its answer.
  8. Open Ended Questions will never display on Step 2, 3 and 4 of Scorecard.
  9. Graduated (Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard.
  10. So, for this topic, overall score is 67.

Graduated (Non-Scored) #

Why The main purpose is to select only one appropriate response. Purpose of non-scored questions is to only gather the information about the partner and it has no impact on score.
  1. There are options for a question to select.
  2. Options may be 2, 3, 4 or more.
  3. “Graduated” means User can select only one option at a time. But for the option there is no score.
  4. Graduated (Non-Scored) Questions will always display on all steps of Capabilities Scorecard.

Save Only Button #

Save Only
  1. User can save the responses of all questions for a particular category by clicking “Save Only”.
  2. User can answer only 1 question out of how many numbers of questions are there and save it.
  3. Only save but not able to go next category.

Next Button #

  1. User save the responses of all question for a particular category and then go to the next category question section by clicking “Next”
  2. Suppose there are 4 topics and user gave answer for 2 questions and not gave for rest 2 questions and click on next button, then it will throw a validation “Please select all or none questions of a category”
  3. Means user have to give the answer for all topic or not give answer to any question then next button will work.

Back/ Next Button #

Next Button
  1. After reaching the last category questions, there is “Back” & “Next” button below the questions.
  2. After clicking “Next” button it will take user to next page i.e., Set Goal page.
  3. Suppose there are 4 topics and user gave answer for 2 questions and not gave for rest 2 questions and click on next button, then it will throw a validation “Please select all or none questions of a category”
  4. Means user have to give the answer for all topic or not give answer to any question, then next button will work.
  5. After clicking “Back” button it will take user to previous page.

Capabilities Scorecard #

Capabilities Scorecard
  • It will display the result base on the response that given in the questionnaire page.
  • It will display where a user lay form its category and topics score and where its peers are lay.
What After hitting the Save/Next on Questionnaire page user will be redirected to Capabilities Scorecard tab. On this page scores are displaying based on the responses made on previous page. Overall Score, Category level, Topic level and peer scores are displaying. On the right side of the same there is the colour key that indicates the performance of category.
How If a user does not select any response or do not save the response in questionnaire page, then nothing will show in this capabilities scorecard page. In a table format it displays all the response given in questionnaire.

  1. Category names are displaying along with the Category Scores and Topic names are displaying along with the Topic scores.
  2. Categories Scores show the score performed by Partner in different category. Like in “Partner Program Readiness” category score is 25, “Partner Program Readiness” there is no score, “On-board or Refresh Partners” category score is 16 and likewise.
  3. Overall Score show average of all categories score (N/S isn’t calculated).
  4. Here overall score = (25+16+14+30) / 4 = 21.25 (21)
  5. Category score is the average of Topic Scores.
  6. Suppose score is in between 0 – 33% – circle colour will be RED, 34% – 66% – colour will be Yellow, 67% – 100% – colour will be Green.
  7. Peer Score is the average score of other partners according to a particular question.
  8. User can display topic wise score by click on the expand button.

Overall Score/ Peer Score #

Overall Score/ Peer Score
What The overall score is average score of all categories score.

Peer score is the average score of all the partners according to a particular category.

  • The purpose of overall score is to display the average score of a partner or a user that are obtain in all category.
  • The purpose of peer score is to display the average score of other partners average score of a partner or a user that are obtain in all category.
  1. Overall Score show average of all categories score (N/S isn’t calculated).
  2. Here overall score = (67+50+16+14+30) / 5 = 35.4 (35)
  3. Peer Score is the average score of all the partners according to a particular question.

Categories Scores #

Categories Scores
What It is the average score of topics that are save in questionnaire page.

Peer Scores #

Peers Scores
What It is the average score of different partners in a particular category.

Expand/ Collapse #

Expand/ Collapse
  • If there are topics inside a category, then to view the overall scores of particular topics this button/ link is use.
  • It will display where a user is doing good and where it needs some improvement.
  • It display details of categories score.
How “Expand button” is there if the user wants to see the categories from where the average is being calculated. By clicking on the expand button, user can only view the individual scores but can’t make any changes to them.
After click on expand button
How if there are 3 categories with the score 17, N/S, 14 the user can see overall score by taking out the average of all those categories.
i.e., (17 + 14) = 31 (As non scored is not included)
31/ 2 = 15.5 (16) (As non scored is not included)

Back Button #

Back Button
  1. Suppose User want to change the response of questions of any category, they can do that by clicking “Back Button”.
  2. It takes to questionnaire page.

Next Button #

Next Button
How it works After clicking “Next” button it will take user to next page i.e., Set Goal page

Export Button #

Export Button
How An “Export” button is there in right side to export the scorecard into PPT or Excel format for offline purpose.
After click export button
  • It will display different reports to export.
  • User have to choose Your Scores Vs. Average (Peer) Partners to export.
  • Then click on next button and then click on export button to download the file.
How it looks
How After download, capabilities scorecard display like this.

Chart View (Classic Chart View) #

Chart View
(Classic Chart View)
How It is a dropdown.

User can select how its scorecard will be show.

In “Classic chart View” Scorecard looks like above attached screenshot.

Chart View
(Circle Chart View)
How In “Circle chart View” Scorecard looks like above attached screenshot.

Set Goals #

Set Goals
  • To improve the score, user have to set some goals to make the score better.
  • Setting goals helps trigger new behaviours, that helps guides your focus. Goals are an important part of running a successful business.
  • So to set the goal, achieve the goal and track the goal set goal is used.
  • It will give a clear focus and set targets for the business to work towards.
What On hitting “Save/ Next” on Capabilities Scorecard page, user will be redirected to Set Goals page. On this page user can make the improvements to the selections made on Questionnaire page by clicking the Create Plan button for different categories. All the categories displaying on Questionnaire and Capabilities scorecard will not be displayed on Set Goals Tab. Only selected categories by the admin will display on Set Goals page.
  1. Category name and two scores are displaying on this page:
    Current Score= Category score that displayed on Capabilities Scorecard Tab.
  2. Target Score= Category score calculated on Set Goals page after making selection improvements.
  3. Related Topics are displaying in the tabs when clicked on “Create Plan” button.
  4. User can switch between different topics of same category by clicking on these topics’ tabs.
  5. Different Question titles are displaying for a topic.
  6. All the actions that need to be performed on Set Goals page are optional.

Red/ Blue/ Yellow Selection #

Red/ Blue/
Yellow Selection
Why It will differentiate between strong performance, needs improvement, priority concern and non-scoring scores.
How Red Selection: represents that the score is low, it needs Priority. It needs more concern to achieve the success. The score lies in between 0 – 33

Blue Selection: represents for non-scored questions.

Yellow Selection: represents it need improvement to achieve the success. The score lies between 34 – 67%.

Create Plan #

Create Plan
Why Purpose of create plan is to set goal for each and every question of topics of each category. Also set the completion status and put a note that help user to achieve their goals.
  1. To achieve the success, have to set goal and for this have to do some plan by clicking “Create Plan” button.
  2. User can Create plan for each question of a particular topic.
Set Plan
How User can see the Current Score and Target Score for different topics by switch between different topic of same category by clicking on these topics tabs.
Set Plan
  1. Green selection represents the selection made on Questionnaire page.
  2. Blue selection represents the selection made on Set Goals page and the target score represents the score calculated on Set Goals page.
  3. The selection that made on the questionnaire page, activity completion status show completed and that cannot be changed but the selection that made on set goals page, activity completion status have a dropdown. Status can be changed selecting from the dropdown.
  4. Planned achievement date define when the goal achieved according to the plan. By default, planned achievement date = Current date+ 30 days. (User can change the date).
  5. Actual completion date define when the target actually completed.
  6. Start date defines when the plan start.
  7. Last date defines when the plan ended.
  8. All the actions that need to be performed on Set Goals page are optional.
How In Notes, User can enter a note that is helpful for the user to come later and start from where they left OR can enter useful information regarding why the task is pending etc.
View Resources
Why The main purpose of this is to diplay any helpful resources that are uploaded or add to help the user to achieve the goal.
How In View Resources, User can see the helpful resources which help to achieve the goal.

Completion Status #

Completion Status
Why To make the status of a goal is started or not or in progress.
How There is a dropdown of following options

  • Not Started
  • In- Progress
  • Completed

Not Started #

Not Started
  • When completion status is not started, then Planned Achievement Date and last updated date will show.
  • When user select any completion status option to set goal, then planned achievement date will created by current date+ 30 days. (User can change the date)
  • Last updated date will be the date when user update the status lastly.

In-Progress #

  • When completion status is in-progress, then Planned Achievement Date, start date and last updated date will show.
  • When user select in-progress status option from the dropdown, then planned achievement date will created by current date+ 30 days. (User can change the date)
  • Last updated date will be the date when user update the status lastly.
  • Start date will be the date when the option in-progress is selected. (It will not be changeable)

Completed #

  • When completion status is completed, then Planned Achievement Date, start date, Actual Completion date and last updated date will show.
  • When user selects completed status option from the dropdown, then planned achievement date will created by current date+ 30 days. (User can change the date)
  • Last updated date will be the date when user update the status lastly.
  • Start date will be the date when the option in-progress is selected. (It will not be changeable)
  • Actual Completion Date will be the date when the activity is actually completed. (It will not be changeable)

Back Button #

Back Button
How It takes the user to “Capabilities Scorecard” page.

Next Button #

Next Button
How After clicking “Next” button it will take user to next page i.e., Action Plan page.

Save Button #

Save Button
  • When user expand the plan, the page became larger.
  • To save the change we have done at any point, when user have to scroll to end.
  • So, to avoid that difficulty, there is a floating save button to save the plan at any point.

Action Plan #

Action Plan
Why To display the Goals that are set in set goals page, action plan is use. These goals are not editable here.
What In Action Plan there are Category Name, Current Score, Target Score.

  1. Current Score= Category score that displayed on Capabilities Scorecard Tab.
  2. Target Score= Category score calculated on Set Goals page after making selection improvements.
  3. Related Topics are displaying in the tabs when clicked on “Create Plan” button.
  4. On click the View Plan button it displays what goals are set and what are the plan to achieve the success and how far it goes.
  1. Category name and two scores are displaying on this page:
    Current Score= Category score that displayed on Capabilities Scorecard Tab.
  2. Target Score= Category score calculated on Set Goals page after making selection improvements.
  3. Related Topics are displaying in the tabs when clicked on “View Plan” button.
  4. Different Question titles are displaying for a topic.
  5. Completion Date: This is the Achievement Date entered on Set Goals page.
  6. Resources Supporting this Task: These are the resources added by the admin.
  7. Notes to Complete this Task: This is the “Add Optional Notes Related to Task Achievement” entered on Set Goals page and can be viewed from “Action Plan”.
  8. And these are not changeable.

View Plan #

View Plan
Why The goal that are set in set goal page for every category, to view this goals user have to click on view plan button.
How By Clicking on “View Plan” User can only view the plan.
View Plan (after button click)
How When User click on View Plan button, this will appear.

  1. It shows all details filled in “Set Goal” page and these are not changable in this page.
  2. By clicking on “View Resources”, user can view list of resources involved in the planning.
Why User can download the Excel format of the action plan by clicking “Export” Button
  • It will display different reports to export.
  • User have to choose Partner Action Plan to export.
  • Then click on next button and then click on export button to download the file.
After download the excel file looks like the give screenshot.

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