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Overview #

This section within the Multipartner Metrics module allows Channel Account Managers (CAMs) to set quarterly revenue targets and monitor actual achievements for selected collections over the fiscal year.

Key Features #

  1. Fiscal Year Selector
    • Dropdown to select the fiscal year (e.g., FY2025).
    • Determines the reporting period for target setting.
  2. Filter by Collection
    • Use the ‘Select Filter‘ dropdown to choose specific collections to view and manage their metrics.
  3. Targets and Actuals
    • Target Revenue: Editable fields to set quarterly revenue targets.
    • Actual Revenue: Displays recorded revenue for the corresponding quarter.
  4. Quarterly Segmentation
    • Performance metrics are broken down into quarters (Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4) and months.
  5. Save Functionality
    • Save any updates to the targets to reflect the changes in the system.

Step-by-Step Guide #

  1. Accessing the Module
    • Navigate to Multipartner Metrics from the left-hand menu.
    • Select Set Targets for Multi-Partner Performance Metrics.
  2. Selecting the Fiscal Year
    • Use the dropdown menu to select the desired fiscal year (e.g., FY2025).
  3. Filtering Data
    • Choose a specific collection from the ‘Select Filter‘ dropdown (e.g., Americas Channel Led).
  4. Setting Revenue Targets
    • Edit the fields under the Target column for each quarter by clicking the pencil icon.
    • Review the ‘Total‘ row to ensure cumulative accuracy.
  5. Saving Changes
    • Click the Save button to finalize the updates.
  6. Reviewing Actuals
    • View the Actual column to track progress toward the set targets.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) #

1. Can I set targets for multiple collections at once? #

No, you must select and update one collection at a time using the ‘Select Filter‘ dropdown.

2. What happens if I don’t set targets for a quarter? #

If no targets are set, the default value remains at $0, and no comparison will be possible with actual revenue.

3. Why are some fields locked or non-editable? #

The Actual column is automatically populated with system-recorded data and cannot be manually edited.

4. Can I update targets after saving? #

Yes, targets can be edited anytime. Make sure to save the changes after each update.

5. What does the “Total” row represent? #

The “Total” row sums up the quarterly targets or actuals for the selected collection over the fiscal year.

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