Overview #
The Account Profile Reports page provides a centralized interface to view and export partner account data. Users can filter profiles and export data in their preferred format for further use.
Steps to Use the Account Profile Reports Page #
Selecting a Profile #
- Navigate to the top section where various profiles (e.g., Public Safety, Warehousing & Logistics, Energy & Utilities) are displayed.
- Click on any profile tab to view the respective account data.

Viewing All Records #
- The table section displays a summary of partner data.
- Click on “Click to View All Partner Values” to see the complete list of records.

Exporting the Report #
- Click on the Export button located in the top-right corner of the page.
- A popup will appear, allowing you to select specific fields to include in the PPT export.
- Choose your desired format (Excel or PPT) and confirm to download the report.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) #
Q1: Can I export all fields at once? #
No, you can select only 10 fields per table in the export popup to be included in the report.
Q2: What formats are supported for export? #
Reports can be exported in Excel or PPT format.
Q3: How do I switch between profiles? #
Use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate between different profiles, such as Public Safety, Healthcare, or Retail & Hospitality.
Q4: Can I view detailed partner values? #
Click “Click to View All Partner Values” in the section to see detailed records.
Q5: Who can access this feature? #
Access to the Account Profile Reports page is typically granted to users with permissions related to partner management.