Application Completion Tracker #
It is a completion tracker for the Applications by Partners. Completion definitions are defined by the admin user. Partners who meet these complition definitions are considered as completed. To view the Application Completion Tracker page, click on User Activity Logs > Application Completion.
What Applications are included in Tracking? #
There are four applications that are considered in Application Completion Tracker:
- Partner Performance Dashboard (PPD)
- Goals and Action Plan
- Plan Acceptance/Approval
- Partner Level QBR Export
Set Completion Definitions for Applications #
Application Completion Definitions can be defined in admin. Steps to set the completion criteria:
Step 1: Login admin.
Step 2: Click on Manage Settings > Planning System Configurations > Tracker Settings.
Step 3: Scroll down the page to view the Business Plan Completion Definition section.
Completion Definitions for Applications #
As mentioned earlier there are four applications in the Application Completion Tracker. below are the completion definitions for the applications:
Partner Performance Dashboard (PPD) #
For PPD, Page load of the PPD page on Account Contact Interface determines its completion. If the Page is loaded atleast once in a quarter, it is considered to be completed for that particular quarter.
PPD Completion will look like below screenshot in CAM Dashboard:
Goals and Action Plan #
It is considered as Completed when there are atleast two pairs of Objectives, Activities and Task & Tactics + Required Fields on Account Contact Interface. This should be accomplished annually.
Goals and Action Plan completion will look like below screenshot in CAM Dashboard:
Plan Acceptance/ Approval #
It is considered as Completed when the Plan is Accepted for a Partner in a year.
Plan Acceptance/Approval completion will look like below screenshot in CAM Dashboard:
Partner Level QBR Export #
It is considered to be completed when the Partner Level QBR is downloaded once in a quarter.
Partner Level QBR completion will look like below screenshot in CAM Dashboard:
Filters on Application Completion Tracker #
Filters can be viewed by clicking on the Edit Filter button:
There are three types of filters that can be applied to this page:
Sort Method: This is a filter in which Channel Account Manager can sort the report by Region Level 3, Region Level 2, Region Level 1, Channel Account Manager and Partner Account.
Select Sort Value: Values are displayed in this option based on the selection made in the Sort Method.
- If the Region Level 3 is selected in the Sort Method then the names of the Region level 3 will bind in Select Sort Value dropdown.
- If Region Level 2 is selected in the Sort Method then Region Level 2 names will display in Select Sort Value dropdown.
- If Region Level 1 is selected in the Sort Method then Region Level 1 names will display in Select Sort Value dropdown.
- If Channel Team Member is selected then Channel Team Member names will display in Select Sort Value dropdown.
- If Partner Account is selected then Partner Account names will display in Select Sort Value dropdown.
Select Period: It is the Fiscal Year selector. Channel Account Manager can select for which Fiscal year he wants to review the Application Completion Report.
Export #
Application Completion Tracker can be downloaded in the excel template. Below is the screenshot of how it looks in the excel format: