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We create a scorecard for a partner. After creating the scorecard for a partner, CAM user wants to know which partner do how much score. Like which Partner are in Red Zone and which are in Yellow Zone and which are in Green Zone.

Features/Components #

Two main features can be managed by the admin user given as follows:

  • Activate Groups
  • Partner Scorecard Summary Reports
  • CAM Scorecard Summary Reports
  • Scorecard Historical Data

Activate Groups #

For the conditional display of topics to specific partners, CAM can use the concept of groups.

Activate/ Deactivate Group
  1. CAM can activate or deactivate the group(s) by clicking in the check box for a particular group.
  2. The check box which are unchecked, in this case the topics of that particular group will not display to that partner in questionnaire section.
  3. The check box which are checked, in this case the topics of those groups will display to that partner in questionnaire section.
  4. The topics are assigned to that group in CAM.
  5. If there are 100 records, and CAM want to show only first 10,25 or 50 records then can do by click here.
  6. It is a dropdown having following options
    • 10
    • 25
    • 50
    • 100
    • 200

Partner Scorecard Summary Reports #

Partner Summary Report
  1. In this, it only shows the Partners Name and their overall score and Comprehensive Partner Report.
  2. The CAM which you have logged in, it will show only the Partners list that are accessible by that CAM.
  3. It will display the primary partner of the login CAM as well as the secondary partner, of other CAM that are assigned.
  4. For Example:
  5. There are 2 CAM. One is A and another is B.
  6. A have 10 Partners and B also have 10 Partners.
  7. But out of 10 from B’s Partners, 5 partners are secondary partner for A.
  8. When A login the CAM, 15 partners should be shown. i.e., 10 of his own and 5 from B.
  9. And when B log in to CAM, 10 partners will display that are its own.
  10. It represents the overall score that the partner obtains.
  11. If Overall Score lies between 0 – 33, then colour will be RED.
  12. If Overall Score lies between 34 – 65, then colour will be YELLOW.
  13. And if in between 66 – 100, then colour will be GREEN.

Choose Partner Level Scorecard Report, Sort By And Export Button #

Choose Partner Level Scorecard Report
  1. Partner can Choose Partner Level Scorecard Report from the dropdown option.
  2. Overall Report represents it will show overall scorecard
  3. Category Level Report represents it will show Category wise scorecard
  4. Topic Level Report represents it will show Topic wise scorecard.
Sort By
  1. It will display the Scorecard that are sorted by the partner.
  2. Rank represents whose overall score is high will display first and 2nd highest will display next and likewise.
  3. Partner Name represents scorecard will display according the partner’s name. (alphabetically)
Export Button
  1. It will export the scorecard to excel format for offline purpose.
  2. CAM can view the reports of overall, category, Topic by Rank and by name by clicking on the tabs in the sheet.

Detailed Report #

Detailed Report
  1. If the Partner wants to show the Partner Report detailed, then click on Detailed Record.
  2. It will display Partner Level Scorecard Summary Detailed Report.
  1. It will display Partner Level Scorecard Summary Detailed Report.
  2. It will display Category Title, Latest Score, Latest Average, % of Average Scores, Group Selected, Topics, Latest Score, Latest Average and % of Average Scores.
  3. It will display Internal- only category and topic and Primary Categories and Topics.
  4. If any group assign to that category, it also display and the topics that assigned also display.

Export And Back Button #

Export Button
  1. It will export the Partner Level Scorecard Summary Detailed Report into excel format for offline purpose.
  1. Excel sheet will look like this.
Back Button
  1. It will take the CAM to the Previous page.

CAM Scorecard Summary Reports #

CAM Scorecard Summary Reports
  1. Here it will show CAM level Scorecard Report.
  2. CAM Name is the list of all CAM.
  3. Overall Score also displays.
  4. It represents the overall score that the CAM obtains.
  5. If Overall Score lies between 0 – 33, then colour will be RED.
  6. If lies between 34 – 65, then colour will be YELLOW.
  7. And if in between 66 – 100, then colour will be GREEN.

Choose CAM Level Scorecard Report, Sort By And Export Button #

Choose CAM Level Scorecard Report
  1. CAM can Choose Partner Level Scorecard Report from the dropdown option.
  2. Overall Report represents it will show overall scorecard
  3. Category Level Report represents it will show Category wise scorecard
  4. Topic Level Report represents it will show Topic wise scorecard.
Sort By
  1. It will display the Scorecard that are sorted by the partner.
  2. Rank represents whose overall score is high will display first and 2nd highest will display next and likewise.
  3. CAM Name represents scorecard will display according the CAM name. (alphabetically)
Export Button
  1. It will export the scorecard to excel format for offline purpose.
  2. It will look like this in excel sheet.
  3. CAM can view the reports of overall, category, Topic by Rank and by name by clicking on the tabs in the sheet.

Scorecard Historical Data #

Scorecard Historical Data
  1. It will display data related to scorecard.
  2. Partner name, CAM name and Detail Report are also there.
  3. It also displays task status quarterly. Q1 represents for Quater1 i.e., From Jun – Sep 2018 and then likewise.
  4. When one quarter ends and next quarter starts, then on first day of next quarter, “corn job” runs to transfer the data of previous quarter to new quarter if CAM have not attempted in scorecard.

Select Partner And Display Scores #

Select Partner
  1. If partner wants to show only a single partners scorecard data, then can display by selecting from the Select Partner Dropdown.
  2. It displays task status quarterly. Q1 represents for Quater1 i.e., From Jun – Sep 2018 and Q2 represents for Quater2 i.e., From Sep – Dec and likewise for Q3 and Q4.
After Filter
  1. Here partner want to display only ABCO, Inc’s Scorecard date. After selecting from Select Partner it display on that particular partners scorecard data.
Display Scores
  1. If partner wants to display Scorecard by Overall or by Category or by topic, then click accordingly from the dropdown.

Quarterly Display #

Quarterly Display
  1. It displays task status quarterly. Q1 represents for Quater1 i.e., From Jun – Sep 2018 and Q2 represents for Quater2 i.e., From Sep – Dec and likewise for Q3 and Q4.

PPD Roll-Up Report #


Roll-Up Reporting aggregates data from multiple Analytics properties and lets you see that data together in the same reports. For example, if there are zero or more than one partner and if each partner has some data in every metrics, then you can aggregate that data to see global-performance metrics. If there are zero partner, this will display but there will be no records.

Features #

There are following features

i. Partner Level

ii. CAM Level

Partner Level PPD Roll-Up Report: – #

Partner Level
  1. CAM can aggregate data from multiple partners which are created under that particular CAM and the partners for which CAM is assigned as Secondary CAM if CAM role is assigned as CAM only and shows in a single report.
  2. If CAM role is assigned as CAM and Directory role, then it will display all partners data.
  3. CAM can select Partners from the dropdown.
  4. CAM can select one or more than one partner or any number of partners CAM want from the dropdown and shows their data.
  5. CAM can choose fiscal year from the dropdown.
  6. CAM can show detailed partner report for any metrics by click on the number as shown in the 2nd screenshot.

CAM Level PPD Roll-Up Report: – #

Partner Management #

Manage Your Partner #

Manage Your Partner
  1. If there are multiple partners under one CAM, then all the partners are displaying here.
  2. Here partners under CAM, Director, CAM and Director and secondary CAM should display.
  3. CAM can Create/ Edit plan by clicking in the edit button.
  4. It will take the CAM to frontend.
  5. CAM can approve/ accept plan for any partner by click on the Approve Plan button under Approve Partner Plan column.
  6. CAM can Manage conditional questions by click on the manage button under Manage Conditional Questions column.
CAM Level
  1. CAM can aggregate data from multiple partners which are created under that particular CAM and shows in a single report.
  2. CAM can choose fiscal year from the dropdown.
  3. CAM can show detailed partner report for any metrics by click on the number as shown in the 2nd screenshot.

Approve Partner Plan #

Approve Partner Plan
  1. Click on Approve Plan button of any Partner.
  2. Partner plan Acceptance Status is done by partners and Partner plan Approval status is done by CAM.
  3. The plans which are not accepted can approved by the CAM.
  4. CAM can select fiscal year from the dropdown for which fiscal year CAM want to show the plan approval status.
  5. Plan approval for all applications is same except Marketing Action plan. So, CAM user can choose application and marketing action plan from the dropdown.
  6. To edit/view plan CAM can click on the Edit/ View plan button.
  7. CAM can write Plan Approval Comment Summary.
  8. Red colour stands for Plan is not accepted / approved for this time period and past due.
  9. Green colour stands for Plan is accepted / approved for this time period.
  10. Blue colour stands for Plan is pending for this period.
To approve Plan
  1. Click on any colour button except green as its already approved.
  2. After click, it will display a pop up window.
  3. CAM can select which application and also select time period.
  4. CAM can select multiple periods for multiple applications.
  5. CAM can select signature from below or can create their own signature or can upload their signature from the system.
  6. Click on the browser button and select signature from the system.
  7. Click on save button to save.
  8. To reset the signature by click on the reset button when CAM choose create their own signature option.
To Accept Plan
  1. Click on Edit/ View Plan
  2. Choose any fiscal year that CAM wants to show.
  3. To active/ accept plan CAM can click on any colour button exept green as its already approved/ acceted.
  4. After click, it will display a pop up window.
  5. CAM can select which application and also select time period.
  6. CAM can select multiple periods for multiple applications.
  7. CAM can select signature from below or can create their own signature or can upload their signature from the system.
  8. Click on the browser button and select signature from the system.
  9. Click on save button to save.
  10. To reset the signature by click on the reset button when CAM choose create their own signature option.
Acceptance / Approval Summary Report
  1. Click on Plan Acceptance / Approval Summary Report for all Partner(s) in Partner Plan Approval Page.
  2. It is overall status of plan accept/ approval plans.
  3. Click on select fiscal year dropdown to select FY.
  4. Click on set filter dropdown. There are following options
    • Filter by Partner Name
    • Filter by CAM Name
    • Filter by Region Name
  5. It will display accordingly whatever CAM choose in the below table.
  6. Click on select partner dropdown to select partner.
  7. Click on accept/ approve plan for dropdown to select application.
  8. Click on record per page to display that number of record in the below table.
  9. On click the hyperlinked partner name, it will take the CAM to Partner Plan Approval page.

Manage Conditional Questions #

Manage Conditional Questions
After Clicking Manage button
  1. Click on manage button.
  2. In options, groups are triggered. These groups are assigned to option of Conditional Question by Admin.
  3. On selecting the Conditional responses, respective groups are triggered in frontend and display Scorecard, Business Action Plan and PPD.
  4. Click save button to save any changes.

Manage Plans And Funds Approve #

Manage Plans and Funds Approve
Click to view the detailed Approvals button
All MDF Activities
  1. CAM can Manage Plans and Funds Approval here.
  2. Click on select fiscal year to select for which fiscal year CAM want to show the plans.
  3. CAM can show plan activity status by application and fund activity status.
  4. CAM can view details about the approval by click on the Click to view Detailed approvals button.
  5. CAM can see Market development funds (MDF) activities by click on the All MDF Activities button.
  6. After click view Detailed approvals button, it will take the CAM to acceptance/ Approval Summary report page.
  7. After click All MDF Activities button, it will take the CAM to MDF request and Approval Report and it is similar to Marketing Action Plan in frontend.
  8. Select channel manager from the Channel Manager dropdown.
  9. Select partner from the Partner dropdown.
  10. Select plan id from the Plan ID dropdown.
  11. Select plan period from the Plan Period dropdown.
  12. Select goals from the Goals dropdown.
  13. Select activity type from the Activity Type dropdown.
  14. Select activity approval status from the Activity Approval Status dropdown.
  15. Select program from the Program dropdown.
  16. Select fund from the Fund dropdown.
  17. Select segment form the Segment dropdown.
  18. Select fund focus from the Fund Focus dropdown.
  19. Select fund status from Fund Status dropdown.
  20. Select completion status from Completion Status dropdown.
  21. Select Planned Start Date by clicking on the calendar icon.
  22. Select Planned End Date by clicking on the calendar icon.
  23. Click on Apply button to apply the filters that entered.
  24. Click on Clear All button to clear all the filters that entered.
  25. CAM can change the Fund Approval Status by clicking on the dropdown, from pending to approved.
  26. CAM can chat regarding the Marketing Plan Activities by clicking on the Chat Button.
  27. These are the filters and on the basis of filters, Marketing Plan Activities Reports are display.
  28. The activity that are created in Marketing Action Plan on frontend are display here.
  29. CAM can change the Fund Approval Status from Pending to Approved and same will reflect in frontend.

Task Roll- Up Status #


It is a report for all partners to show the status of progress in task of each other’s. Like which partner have how many nos. of task been present and out of them how many are completed and how many are not completed, everything displays.

Features/ Components #

There are 3 types of Status to check.

  • User Level Tasks Status
  • Internal Only Scorecard Status
  • Application-Level Tasks Status

User Level Tasks Status #

User Level Tasks Status
  1. A partner can see the CAM Name, other Partner Name, their Tasks Status, Total no of Tasks, how many tasks are completed and how many tasks are not completed and Completion Status. Also manage the tasks status.
  2. If there are some tasks in 2019 and some are in 2020, 2021. So, to see the tasks details of 2019 year, then the partner selects the Fiscal year from this dropdown.
  1. Total no of task represents that total how many tasks are assigned to that particular partner.
  2. Completed task represents that how many tasks are completed.
  3. Incompleted task represents that how many taske are not completed.
  4. Completion Score define by (Completed Task/ Total no of Task) * 100
  5. i.e, If completed task is 1, then 1/4 * 100 = 25%

Internal Only Scorecard Status #

Internal Only Scorecard Status
  1. Internal Only Scorecard means the CAM/ Partner can see the CAM and Partners name and competition status and manage task status which are access by the Partner.
  2. Sort by Parameter dropdown represents that the scorecard will display according to the selection from the dropdown.
  3. Sort by Rank: Represents that Scorecard will display according to the Rank.
  4. Sort by CAM Name: Represents that Scorecard will display according to CAM Name.
  5. Sort by Partner Name: Represents that Scorecard will display according to Partner Name.
  6. If there are more records and if CAM want to show only 1st 10 entries, then can do by selecting the option from the dropdown.
  7. Whether the task is started or not, if started then how much score completed are defines here.
  8. N/A represents that task is not started.
  9. If score is between 0 – 33, then colour will be Red.
  10. If score is between 34 – 65, then colour will be Yellow.
  11. If score is between 66 – 100, then colour will be Green.
  12. Partner will change the status of the task by clicking in the Manage Button
After clicking Manage button
  1. Click on Manage button of any partner that CAM want to view.
  2. Here are the questions that the partner should give respone or change the response, set goals and do the action plan. It is as like as Capabilities Scorecard.
  3. According to these response, Completion Score changes.
  4. It is similar to Capabilities Scorecard.

Application-Level Tasks Status #

Application-Level Tasks Status
  1. Main purpose of this application-level task is to keep track whether the partner have visited the particular application or not.
  2. If CAM visited/ export the page then it shows green colour ball and if CAM do not visit/ export the page then it shows red colour and if CAM is in current page, then it shows blue colour.
  3. If there are more records and if CAM want to show only first 10 entries, then can do by selecting the option from the dropdown.
How Application-Level Task Status Works
  1. It will give brief idea about how application level task status works.

QBR’s #

  1. Click on Partner Management -> Click on QBR’s
  2. CAM can view the report for CAM as well as for Partners.
  3. CAM can view report for the CAM and Partners for which it assigned as secondary CAM and if assigned as CAM and Director role.
Partner QBR
  1. Click on any Partner that you want to view the QBR report
  2. There are 3 types of report
    • By Database
    • By Admin
    • By CAM
  3. By Database: – It is the default report.
  4. It contains all the components that have data. It cannot be edited or deleted by the CAM or by the Admin.
  5. By Admin: – The report that created by the admin will display to all partner and it cannot be deleted by CAM but can able to edit.
  6. When CAM edit the report, do any change to it and save that, it will create a new report. It doesn’t change anything to the main report.
  7. By CAM: – The report that created by the CAM will display to all partner and it can be deleted and edited by CAM and Admin.
  8. To download the PDF for the Report name, CAM user can do by clicking on the PDF button.
  9. To edit any report, click on edit icon given in the row.
  10. To delete Partner created report, click on Delete icon.
  11. CAM can add new report by click on Add new report button.
  12. To go to previous page click on Back button.
  13. To search any report, click on the Search box and enter report name or Report Description or Created by.
  1. Click on any CAM that you want to view the QBR report
  2. There are 3 types of report
    • By Database
    • By Admin
    • By CAM
  3. By Database: – It is the default report.
  4. It contains all the components that have data. It cannot be edited or deleted by the CAM or by the Admin.
  5. By Admin: – The report that created by the admin will display to all partner and it cannot be deleted by CAM but can able to edit.
  6. When CAM edit the report, do any change to it and save that, it will create a new report. It doesn’t change anything to the main report.
  7. By CAM: – The report that created by the CAM will display to all partner and it can be deleted and edited by CAM and Admin.
  8. To download the PDF for the Report name, CAM user can do by clicking on the PDF button.
  9. To edit any report, click on edit icon given in the row.
  10. To delete Partner created report, click on Delete icon.
  11. CAM can add new report by click on Add new report button.
  12. To go to previous page click on Back button.
  13. To search any report, click on the Search box and enter report name or Report Description or Created by.
QBR Builder
  1. Click on Report Name >>> Write or edit report name.
  2. Click on Description>>> Write or edit the descriptions.
  3. CAM can choose whether to display legal copy in footer of the PDF by choosing among yes or no. If yes, then CAM can enter text that will display in the footer of the PDF.
  4. CAM can choose which colour theme should have the PDF.

Add New Report #

Add New Report
  1. Click on Report Name >>> Write or edit report name.
  2. Click on Description>>> Write or edit the descriptions.
  3. CAM can choose whether to display legal copy in footer of the PDF by choosing among yes or no. If yes, then CAM can enter text that will display in the footer of the PDF.
  4. CAM can choose which colour theme should have the PDF.
  5. Click on Back button to go to the previous page.
  6. These four are same for both Partner QBR and CAM QBR.

Select Components To Be Included In The Business Plan/QBR Export (Partner QBR) #

Select Components to be included in the Business Plan/QBR Export
  1. Add new report is similar to edit the report.
  2. Here CAM can choose which applications should display in the PDF or included in the QBR Report.
  3. CAM can change components title also.
  4. CAM can choose by click in the check boxes that are display in select column.
  5. CAM can select Cover Page, Table of Content, and Introduction.
  6. CAM can write or edit the introduction by click on the edit icon.
  7. To save the changes CAM can click on the Save button.
  1. CAM can enter or edit the Introduction
For PPD (After click on the edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose PPD report and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown.
  2. CAM can select metrics that will include in the PDF for PPD.
  3. CAM can select export configuration whether it will include charts, title, description and the primary table or includes charts, title and desctiption.
For Business Action Plan Report (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Business Action Plan reoprt and can select view whether it will be Comprehensive Goal & Activity View or Goal, Activity Table view or Goal, Activity Summary view.
Capabilities Scorecard
  1. CAM can choose capabilities scorecard summary report which is step 2 of scorecard and capabilities Scorecard action plan report which is step 4 of scorecard.
Task Manager (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Task Manager and can choose how to sort the records and which task should display in export.
  2. CAM can choose how to sort form the sort by dropdown. There are folowing options:-
    • Task Status
    • Planned Achievement date
    • Actual Completion Date
    • Last Updated Date
    • Start date
  3. CAM can select tasks to be displayed from the dropdown. There are following options:-
    • All Tasks
    • Not Started
    • In Progress
    • Completed
    • Recommended
Account Planning (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can set filters by from the dropdown. Options are:-
    • Deal registration Date
    • Estimated closed Date
  2. CAM can set deal registration date, start to end date by choosing from the calender.
  3. CAM can sort the records by choosing from the sort by dropdown. Options are:-
    • Account Name
    • Account ID#
    • Partner sales Rep
    • Product Opportunities
    • Opportunity status
    • Deal Registration Date
    • Deal ID#
    • Deal $ Size
    • Estimated Close Date
    • Most recently registered deals
    • Most recently edited or merged.
Marketing Action Plan Report (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Marketing action plan and can select fiscal year from the dropdown.
  2. CAM can select period for which report will be exported, from Annually/ Semi-Annually/ Quaterly
  3. CAM can select view, from Comprehensive Goal & Activity View/ Goal Activity Table view/ Goal, Activity Summary view.
Partner Profile Report
  1. CAM can choose Partner Profile Report by click on the check box.
External Task Summary Report (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose External task summary report and can choose how to sort the records and which task should display in export.
  2. CAM can choose how to sort form the sort by dropdown. There are folowing options:-
    • Task Status
    • Planned Achievement date
    • Actual Completion Date
    • Last Updated Date
    • Start date
  3. CAM can select tasks to be displayed from the dropdown. There are following options:-
    • All Tasks
    • Not Started
    • In Progress
    • Completed
    • Recommended
  1. CAM can choose Channel Team Summary, Partner Contact Summary and Scorecard Question Response Summary by click on the check box.
Comments Link
  1. Click on Comments, it will create a new row for comments.
  2. Admin can write comments for the business plan.
  3. Admin can delete the comment by click on the delete icon.

Select Components To Be Included In The Business Plan/QBR Export (CAM) #

Select Components to be included in the Business Plan/QBR Export
  1. Add new report is similar to edit the report.
  2. Here CAM can choose which applications should display in the PDF or included in the QBR Report.
  3. CAM can change components title also.
  4. CAM can choose by click in the check boxes that are display in select column.
  5. CAM can select Cover Page, Table of Content, and Introduction.
  6. CAM can write or edit the introduction by click on the edit icon.
  7. To save the changes CAM can click on the Save button.
  1. CAM can enter or edit the Introduction
For PPD (After click on the edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose PPD report and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown..
Capabilities Scorecard
  1. CAM can choose capabilities scorecard summary report which is step 2 of scorecard and capabilities Scorecard action plan report which is step 4 of scorecard.
Revenue To Plan Roll Up (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Revenue To Plan Roll Up and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown
Total Pipeline to Plan (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Total Pipeline to Plan and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown and data display in PDF according to the selected FY.
For Total Certifications (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose Total Certifications and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown and data display in PDF according to the selected FY.
MDF Status (After click on edit icon)
  1. CAM can choose MDF Status and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown and data display in PDF according to the selected FY.
  2. CAM can select period for which the report will be exported by clicking on the radio button.
  3. If Semi- annually selected, then click on the Select frequency for the report. A dropdown appear. Select any frequency. It will display 2 options i.e., H1 and H2. CAM can choose one or more than one from the dropdown.
  4. Same for Quarterly. Difference is it will display 4 options instead of two. i.e., Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4. CAM can choose one or more than one from the dropdown.
  1. CAM can choose Business Action Plan and Task Manager by click on the check box.
Comments Link
  1. Click on Comments, it will create a new row for comments.
  2. Admin can write comments for the business plan.
  3. Admin can delete the comment by click on the delete icon.

Select App For Starter Email #

Select App for Starter Email
  1. CAM can choose any CAM or Partner Account and choose any app like Capabilities Scorecard, Sales & Profit Forecast, Goal & Action Plan, PPD, Account Planning and Marketing Action Plan by click on the check box under each app.
  2. CAM can check only for one app at a time.
  3. After choosing any app, click on edit/send button.
After clicking edit/send button
  1. It will display an email template.
  2. CAM can enter email subject and write description for the email.
  3. Click on send button to send the mail to the email id of selected CAM or Partner.
  4. In the mail, it will send a link to access the selected app directly (without entering any CAM name and password).

Send Partner Contact Credentials #

Send Partner Contact Credentials
Click on send button
  1. CAM can select the partner contact that CAM like to receive credentials and click on send button.
  2. It will show a message that Email Sent Successfully.

Manage Perf. Dashboard #

Manage Perf. Dashboard
  1. CAM can manage partner performance dashboard here.
  2. Select fiscal year from the dropdown.
  3. Choose partner from the drop down.
  4. Click on the edit icon in any cell to edit the values displayed in the table.
  5. CAM can edit revenue plan and actual plan, edit target and actual for quarters.
  6. CAM can save the changes by clicking on the Save Button.
  7. CAM can enter status and comments for selected CAM or Partner.

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