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Whatever Goals are set by the CAM/ Partner to achieve the success are displayed. Like if there are some goals are set in previous year and this year there are also some goals are added, then it is too much to manage in that “Set Goal” page. User can individually see the which tasks are completed or in-progress or not started. Task title, Task Description, Completion status, Achievement date, start date, completion date, last update date, notes, Recommendations for this task, task status and hide complete task are there. It is a collective page where all tasks are displayed. User can sort the tasks according to task completion status and also do filter.


There are 4 steps to complete Action planning, which includes
  • User Level Tasks
  • Application-Level Tasks

3.2.1 User Level Tasks Select Dropdown

User Level Tasks
Why To track the tasks that are set by the users in different applications.
  • It helps to organize all the user tasks on one page in order for partner to create a better plan.
  • "User level task" as the name states, it requires user actions to track the tasks listed on this page.
  1. User can view the list of tasks from different applications.
  2. User can make changes by simply selecting the task and updating its attributes.
  3. User can filter the tasks based on the Completion status, Completion Date and many more
  4. There are some color schemes that defines the status of the tasks - Red: It represents that the Task is "not started" mode, Yellow: It represents that the task is "in progress" mode, Green:It represents that the task is "completed" and Orange: It represents that the task is recommended by the admin.It is completely dependent on user either to select or not select the recommended task.
Sort by

There is filter by which user can sort the tasks according to their requirements. The Sort by options are:

  1. Task Status - It will sort the tasks by Task Status. Not Started tasks will display on the top of the list then In Progress tasks then after Completed tasks atlast the Recommended tasks. This is the by default sorting option that will be by default selected when user visit on this page.
  2. Task Title - It is sorted by Alphabetical order if sort option is selected.
  3. Planned Completion Date - If this sort option is selected then it is sorted by the latest planned tasks to be completed on top.
  4. Actual Completion Date - If this sort option is selected then it is sorted by the latest completed tasks on top.
  5. Start Date - If this sort option is selected then it is sorted by the latest started tasks on top.
  6. Last Updated Date - If this sort option is selected then it is sorted by the latest updated tasks on top.
Sort by (Advanced filters)

There are advanced filters by which user can drill down more filters for the tasks according to their requirements. These advanced options are applied based on the selection made in the "Sort by" field. Following are the options in the Advanced filter:

  1. All Tasks - If this option is selected the selection made in first filter will be applicable to all the tasks listed on the page.
  2. Not Started - If this option is selected the selection made in first filter will be applicable only to the "Not Started" tasks listed on the page.
  3. In Progress - If this option is selected the selection made in first filter will be applicable only to the "In Progress" tasks listed on the page.
  4. Completed - If this option is selected the selection made in first filter will be applicable only to the "Completed" tasks listed on the page.
  5. Recommended - If this option is selected the selection made in first filter will be applicable only to the "Recommended" tasks listed on the page.

Note - In order to see the results according to these filters users have to click on the "Apply" button. Completion Status Dropdown

Completion Status Dropdown

User can make the task Not Started or Completed or In- progress by selecting from the dropdown. Completion status will change in Set Goal, whenever any change occurs here and vice-versa. Task Manager Columns

Planned Achievement Date
  1. Planned Completion Date define when the goal achieved according to the plan. By default, planned achievement date= Current date+ 30days. (User can change the date)
  2. Actual Completion Date defines when the target actually completed. When the status changed to completed, that is the actual completed date and that is not changeable by the user. This date is system generated.
  3. Start date defines when the plan starts. This date is system generated.
  4. Last updated date defines when the plan ended. This date is system generated.
  5. In Notes, User can enter a note that is helpful for the user to come later and start from where they left OR can enter useful information regarding why the task is pending etc.
  6. As the completion status is Not- started, colour of task status is Red. Like this if completion status is In- Progress, colour will be yellow and if is Completed, colour will be Green. Hide the Task

Hide the task

Suppose there are bunch of tasks. Out of them most are completed and others are in progress or not started. So, user can hide the completed task to give more priority to others.

  1. Used to hide the task.
  2. This option only for the completed task.
  3. It will not display till user click on the restore hidden/ completed task.
Restore hidden/ Completed task

It will restore the hidden/ completed task to the table when user click on it.


This link will not visible till when user do not click on the hide the task button.

3.2.1 Application-Level Tasks

Application-Level Tasks

Main purpose of this application-level task is to keep track whether the partner have visited the particular application or not.

  1. The tracking of visit of a partner in a particular task will be defined by two ways.
    • Loading the page
    • Exporting the page
  2. If any action done by the partner for a particular question, then it will show that completion status is completed.
  3. If completed, then it will show the actual completion date and last update date.
  4. Here only two colours ball displays I.e., Green and Red.
  5. If user visited/ export the page then it shows green colour ball and if user do not visit/ export the page then it shows red colour.
  6. There is no In- progress status is there. Show Entries

Show Entries

If there are more numbers of entries of task, and user wants show first 10 numbers of tasks, then they can do it by selecting the option from the dropdown. Search Bar

Search Bar

Main purpose is to search a particular task what user wants.

  1. Suppose there are more numbers of entries of tasks and user want to display only a particular task detail.
  2. So, for that they can search here by task name or by its completion status or by its completion date. Hide this task

Hide the task

Suppose there are bunch of tasks. Out of them most are completed and others are in progress or not started. So, user can hide the completed task to give more priority to others.

  1. Used to hide the task.
  2. This option only for the completed task.
  3. It will not display till user click on the restore hidden/ completed task.
Restore hidden/ Completed task

It will restore the hidden/ completed task to the table when user click on it.


This link will not visible till when user do not click on the hide the task button.

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