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Capabilities Scorecard shows the list of all the Categories, Topics and Questions that are added in admin. Categories are of two types: –

  1. Primary Category- which is visible to only partners. In this type of categories, multiple categories can be added.
  2. Internal Category- which is visible to only CAMs. In this type of categories, only single category can be added.

Both type of categories can be edited as well as deleted. Categories can also be activated/deactivated from the admin end.

Multiple topics can be added under both type of categories. Topics are also of two types: –

  1. Primary topics- visible to only partners which are created under primary category.
  2. Internal topics- visible to only CAMs which are created under internal category.

Topics can be edited as well as deleted. Topics can also be activated/deactivated from the admin end.

There are different types of questions which can be added under specific topic. These are profile (Open Ended) question, Multiple Choice (Scored), Multiple Choice (Non-Scored), Graduated (Scored) and Graduated (Non-Scored). Category Completion is monitored. There is also an option of Visualize Complete Scorecard through which all the categories, topics and questions can be accessed by a single click.  Progressive Overall, Category and Topic scores are calculated. It means as user selects the responses of a question the scores start displaying according to the selection on the user end.


There are 3 tabs displaying on Capabilities Scorecard page given as following:

  • Manage Categories
  • Manage Topics
  • Manage Topics

1.2.1 Manage Categories

Manage Categories
What On Manage Categories tab it shows the list of all the Categories that are added in admin. Categories are always displayed on the basis of selection of type e.g. Primary Category and Internal category. Category completion step is compoulsary for adding topics under categories..
  1. There are 3 tabs in the Capability Scorecard page. The first tab will be selected by default when user comes on Scorecard page.
  2. On Manage Categories tab there are only Categories displaying on the tab.
  3. One can see all the categories added in the admin on this tab. But categories are always displayed on the basis of selection of type.
  4. User can see the Primary type categories as well as Internal type categories individually.
  5. There are 5 columns displaying on manage categories tab e.g. #, Categories, View Associated Topics, Action ( Edit and delete) and Activate/Deactivate(Check/Uncheck box).
  6. On the left side, there is a green button called “Add New Category”.
  7. On the right side, there is “Select Category Type” dropdown.

1.2.1(a) Add New Category button

Add New Category
  1. This button is used for the Add a new category in scorecard.
  2. User can add a new category by giving a suitable category title.
  3. Category can be primary category or internal category.
  4. The recently added category will be displayed in the list of all the categories.
After clicking Add new category
  1. User can create new category by inputting Category title in the input field
Submit Button
  1. User can save the Category title by clicking Submit button.
Cancel Button
  1. No category should created after clicking the cancel button.

1.2.1(b) View Topics button

View Topics button
  1. View Topics button will be given against each added category.
  2. This button is used for viewing all the topics added under that specific category.
  3. It should take the user to Manage topics tab

1.2.1(c) Edit and Delete button

Edit and Delete button
  1. User can edit the title of the category by clicking on edit button.
  2. User can delete the added category permanently by clicking on delete button.

1.2.1(d) Activate/ Deactivate check box

Activate/ Deactivate check box
  1. User should activate or deactivate the category here.
  2. The categories which are unchecked or deactivated are not visible in frontend.

1.2.1(e) Category type dropdown

Category type dropdown (Primary Category)
  1. Category type dropdown is displayed on manage categories tab. It has 2 types of categories in dropdown e.g., Primary category and Internal category
  2. User can see the primary categories by selecting “Primary Category” in the dropdown.
Category type dropdown (Internal Category)
  1. User can see the internal categories by selecting “Internal Category” in the dropdown.

1.2.2 Manage Topics

Manage Topics
What On Manage Topics tab it shows the list of all the topics that are added in admin. Topics are always displayed on the basis of selection of type e.g. Primary Topics and Internal Topics . Topics completion step is compoulsary for adding questions under topics.
How it Works
  1. There are 3 tabs in the Capability Scorecard page. The 2nd tab will be “Manage Topics” tab which will be displayed after hitting on Manage Topics on Scorecard page.
  2. On Manage Topics tab there are only topics displaying on the tab.
  3. One can see all the topics added in the admin on this tab. But categories are always displayed on the basis of selection of type.
  4. User can see the Primary type topics as well as Internal type topics individually.
  5. There are 5 columns displaying on manage topics tab e.g. #, Topics, View Associated questions, Action ( Edit and delete) and Activate/Deactivate(Check/Uncheck box).
  6. On the left side, there is a button called “Add New Topic”.
  7. On the right side, there is “Select Topic Type” dropdown

1.2.2(a) Add New Topic button

Add New Topic button
  1. This button is used for the Add a new topic in under a particular category.
  2. User can add a new topic by giving a suitable topic title and short topic title.
  3. Topic can be primary topic or internal topic.
  4. The recently added topic will be displayed in the list of all the topics.
After click add new topic button
  1. In the top there should page name i.e., Dashboard /Manage Topic /Add Topics
  2. There are 3 fields to fills
    • Select Category dropdown
    • Topic Title text box
    • Short Topic Title text box
Select Category Dropdown
  1. All the category that are created should display here.
  2. User can choose any one option from the dropdown.
Topic Title Textbox
  1. User can create a topic by inputting the title in the text box.
Short Topic title text box
Why To display the topic title shortly in the CAM Dashboard
  1. User can create a short topic title by inputting the title in the text box.
Submit Button
  1. User can save the topic title by clicking Submit button
Cancel Button
  1. No topic should created after clicking the cancel button.

1.2.2(b) View Questions button

View Questions button
  1. View questions button will be given against each added topic.
  2. This button is used for view all the questions added under that specific topic.

1.2.2(c) Edit and Delete button

Edit and Delete button
  1. User can edit the title and short title of the topic by clicking on edit button.
  2. User can delete the added topic permanently by clicking on delete button.

1.2.2(d) Activate/ Deactivate check box

Activate/ Deactivate check box
  1. User should activate or deactivate the topic here.
  2. The topics which are unchecked or deactivated are not visible in frontend.

1.2.2 (e) Topic type dropdown

Topic Type dropdown (Primary Topics)
  1. Topic type dropdown is displayed on manage topics tab. It has 2 types of topics in dropdown e.g., Primary topics and Internal topics.
  2. User can see the primary topics by selecting “Primary Topics” in the dropdown.
Topic Type dropdown (Internal Topics)
  1. User can see the internal topics by selecting “Internal Topics” in the dropdown.

1.2.3 Manage Questions

Manage Questions

On Manage questions tab it shows the list of all the questions that are added in admin. Questions are always displayed on the basis of selection of type e.g. Primary Questions and Internal Questions . It has also a search box and records per pages dropdown on the right and left side respectively.

  1. There are 3 tabs in the Capability Scorecard page. The 3rd tab will be “Manage Questions” tab which will be displayed after hitting on Manage Questions on Scorecard page.
  2. On Manage questions tab there will be question itself, category and topic under which that question comes.
  3. One can see all the questions added in the admin on this tab. But questions are always displayed on the basis of selection of type.
  4. User can see the Primary type questions as well as Internal type questions individually.
  5. There are 8 columns displaying on manage topics tab e.g. #, Question, Category, Topic, Question type, Action ( Edit and delete) and Activate/Deactivate(Check/Uncheck box), Select question to be included in steps 3 & 4.
  6. On the left side, there is a button called “Add New question”.
  7. On the right side, there is “Select question type” dropdown.

1.2.3 (a) Add New Question button

Add New Question button
  1. This button is used for the Add a new question in admin under a particular category and particular topic
  2. User can select the type of the question he wants to add e.g. Single Question OR Table type/Multiple questions.
  3. User can add a new question by giving a suitable question title.
  4. User can also select the type of the question e.g. profile (Open Ended) question, Multiple Choice (Scored), Multiple Choice (Non-Scored), Graduated (Scored) and Graduated (Non-Scored).
  5. The recently added topic will be displayed in the list of all the questions.
After click add new question button
  1. There are following columns to fill
    • Topic dropdown
    • Type of Question dropdown
    • Primary Question text box
    • Question Title text box
    • Question Type dropdown
    • Add "None of the Above" as an Option check box
Topic dropdown
  1. User can choose topic from the topic dropdown.
Type of Question dropdown
  1. User can choose type of question by click on the dropdown.
  2. There are following options
    • Single Question
    • Table Type/ Multiple Questions
Primary Question text box
  1. User can enter primary question by writing here.
Question Title text box
  1. User can enter question title by writing here.
Question Type dropdown
  1. There are following options
    • Profile (Open ended)
    • Multiple Choice (Non-Scored)
    • Multiple Choice (Scored)
    • Graduated (Non-Scored)
    • Graduated (Scored)
  2. User can choose any one option.
Add “None of the above” as an option check box
  1. To put an option as none of the above in the options, user can check the check box.
Profile (Open ended)
  1. Nothing will show like any table to add any responses will not show.
  2. None of the above option will not be there in profile (open ended) question type.
Multiple Choice (Non scored)
  1. Selecting Multiple choice (Non scored), Manage Responses table open.
  2. There are following rows
    • Responses
    • Add as a Recommended Response
    • Action
Responses field
  1. User can write the responses for the question here
Add as a Recommended Response check box
  1. User can make any response as recommended response by clicking on the check box.
  2. User can make one or more responses as recommended response at a time.
Delete button
  1. User can delete the responses by clicking the delete button
Add More button
  1. User can add more than one responses by clicking the add more button.
  2. It will create a new blank row below the 1st one.
Graduated (Scored) Question type
  1. It is similar to Multiple choice (scored/ Non scored) question type.
  2. Only different is there is no recommended responses option.
Save Button
  1. User can save the questions by clicking the save button
Cancel Button
  1. No question should created after clicking the cancel button

1.2.3(b) Edit and Delete button

Edit and Delete button
How it works
  • User can edit the title, type, topic of the question by clicking on edit button.
  • User can delete the added question permanently by clicking on delete button.
  • 1.2.3 (c) Activate/ Deactivate check box

    Activate/ Deactivate check box
    How it works
  • User can activate/ Deactivate the question by clicking the check box.
  • The questions that are unchecked are not visible in frontend.
  • 1.2.3 (d) Select question to be included in steps 3 & 4

    Select question to be included in steps 3 & 4
    How it works
    1. User can activate/ Deactivate the question by clicking the check box.
    2. The questions that are unchecked are not visible in steps 3 and 4.

    1.2.3(c) Question type dropdown

    Question Type dropdown (Primary Question)
    1. Question type dropdown is displayed on manage questions tab. It has 2 types of questions in dropdown e.g., Primary question and Internal question.
    2. User can see the primary questions by selecting “Primary Question” in the dropdown.
    Question Type dropdown (Internal Question)
    1. User can see the internal Question by selecting “Internal Question” in the dropdown.

    1.2.3(d) Search Box

    Search Box
    1. User can get the question directly by typing the question type (they want to search) in the Search Box.

    1.2.3(e) Records per page dropdown

    Records per page dropdown
    1. User can select the no. of questions per page by selecting the no. from dropdown.

    1.2.4 Visualize Complete Scorecard

    Visualize Complete Scorecard
    What Visualize Complete Scorecard shows the list of all the categories, topics, questions, question type,question id,response sequence id and question responses in a single click.
    How There are multiple columns showing the different data given as following:-
    • Groups
    • Categories
    • Category ID
    • Topics
    • Topic ID
    • Question ID
    • Question Type
    • Response Sequence ID
    • Responses
    After clicking on “Visualize Complete Scorecard” button
    1. After clicking on “Visualize Complete Scorecard” it will show the list of all the categories, topics,questions and question responses.

    1.2.4(a) Edit button on every column

    Edit button on every column
    How it works
    1. It will take the user to corresponding edit page that the user choose or want to edit.

    2. Scorecard Configuration Manager

    Features/ Components

    There are 2 tabs displaying on Capabilities Scorecard page given as following:

    • Manage Scorecard Page Display
    • Add Recommended Resources

    2.1 Manage Scorecard Page Display

    Manage Scorecard Page Display
    1. There will be a table having following columns
      • Feature
      • Description
      • Action
      • View on Frontend
    2. There will be following rows
      • Default view of Topics Display
      • Chart type display

    2.1.1 Default view of Topics Display check box

    Default view of Topics Display check box
    1. Check the box to view the Expanded view of the Topic scores on frontend

    2.1.2 Chart Type Display

    Chart Type Display
    1. Chart will be displayed in the frontend accordingly whatever the user chooses here.
    2. There are following options
      • Both Classic and Circle Charts
      • Only Classic Charts
      • Only Circle Charts

    2.1.3 Save/ Update button

    Save/ Update button
    1. User can save or update any changes that are done here by clicking this button.

    2.2.1 Add Recommended Resources

    Add Recommended Resources
    1. This tab has a Add new Resource button and a table
    2. The table have following columns
      • Sr. No
      • Title
      • Associated Topics
      • File Type
      • File Classification
      • Action

    2.2.2(a) Add New Resource button

    Add New Resource Button
    1. User can add new resources by clicking on add new resource button
    After clicking Add New Resource Button
    1. It will open a tab that have following fields to fill
      • Title
      • Recommendations for this task
      • File type dropdown
      • File Classification dropdown
      • Manage Topics dropdown

    2.2.2(a).1 Title input field

    Title input field
    1. User can write the title by clicking in the input field.

    2.2.2(a).2 Recommendations for this task

    Recommendations for this task
    1. User can write any useful notes or recommended notes for the task here.

    2.2.2(a).3 File type

    File type
    1. User can select file type from the dropdown.
    2. There are following options
      • PDF
      • DOC
      • PPT
      • Excel
      • Video
      • Web page
      • Image
      • Create Your Own
    PDF file type
    1. Here only select file to upload option is there.
    2. User can choose file from the system and can upload
    3. PDF, Excel, DOC, PPT have same thing
    Video file type
    1. Here there are two option. I.e.,
      • Upload file
      • Enter File Path
    2. Video, Web Page, Image have same thing.
    Upload file type
    1. If user want to choose file to upload then can do by selecting this option.
    Enter file path
    1. User can upload file by choosing this option.
    2. User can enter the path of the file in the text box.
    3. Example:-
    Create Your Own File type
    1. If user choose create your own type, then it will create a new text field to enter file type
    2. A description and upload tab also created where user can write any description about the file and upload any file they want.

    2.2.2(a).4 File Classification

    File Classification
    1. This tab has a Add new Resource button and a table
    2. There are following options
      • Wallpaper
      • Article
      • Blog
      • Training Guide
      • Email Templating
      • Landing Page
      • Create your own
    Create Your own file classification
    1. If user choose create your own file classification, then a new text field display
    2. User can write the file classification name in the text field.

    2.2.2(a).5 Manage Topics

    Manage Topics
    1. User can choose topic by click on this field.
    2. User can choose any topic from the dropdown or search topic name and choose it.

    2.2.2(a).6 Submit button

    Submit button
    1. User can save the resources that are added by clicking the submit button

    2.2.2(a).7 Cancel button

    Cancel Button
    1. No resources should created after clicking the cancel button.

    2.2.2(a).8 Edit and Delete button

    Edit and Delete Button
    1. User can edit the resources details by clicking on edit button.
    2. User can delete the added resources permanently by clicking on delete button.

    3. Manage Groups


    Manage Groups module allows the admin user to create a group of topics. CAM will permit it in the cam dashboard setting for the partners to whom CAM wants to display that particular group of questions.

    Features/ Components

    There is only one main feature of this module given as follows: –

    • Manage Groups (Admin end)

    3.1 Manage Groups (Admin end)

    Manage Groups

    The manage groups feature is used to conditionally display the scorecard assessment on the frontend. For example: for some of the partner user wants to display a different set of questions on the frontend & a different set of questions for other partners. To serve that purpose, the Manage Groups feature is used.

    1. 5 columns are displayed on the Manage Groups page given as follows:-
      • #
      • Group Name
      • Assign Group to Conditional Question
      • Assign Group by Partner in CAM Dashboard
      • Action (EDIT & DELETE button)
    2. The topics which will be assigned by the Admin user for the CAM Dashboard will show a green tick in the 4th column.

    3.1.1 Add New Group button

    Add New Group button
    1. Click on Add New group button for creating a new group.
    After clicking on the “Add New Group” button
    1. Write a suitable group title for the new group that the user wants to create.
    2. Write a group description for the new group.

    3.1.2 Assign Topic field

    Assign Topic field
    1. Click in the textbox, and a dropdown will open for all the topics.
    2. A topic will not be available in this dropdown list if it is not activated from the capabilities scorecard setting.
    3. A topic that is already assigned to another group will not be visible in this list. Hence, a topic can not be assigned to two different groups or no two groups can have the same topic.

    3.1.3 Submit button

    Submit Button
    1. Click on Assign Group by Partner in CAM Dashboard (2nd radio button) and then click on Submit button for submitting the new group.

    3.1.4 Cancel button

    Cancel Button
    1. Click on the Cancel button for cancelling the new group.

    3.1.5 Search Bar

    Search Bar
    1. Type the name of the group in the search box that the user wants to search.
    2. The searched group details will be displayed on the screen.

    3.1.6 Record per page dropdown

    Record per page dropdown
    1. Click on the dropdown.
    2. Select any number (10, 25, 50, and 100) from the dropdown list.
    3. The records will be displayed on the screen accordingly.

    3.1.7 Edit button

    Edit Button
    After clicking the edit button
    1. Click on the Edit button for editing the details of a Group.
    2. Fill in the details manually in the respective field text boxes.
    3. Click on Submit Button to get the edited details saved.

    3.1.8 Delete Button

    Delete Button
    1. Click on the Delete button for deleting the group.
    After clicking on the delete button
    1. After clicking on Delete Button, a warning message ”Are you sure you want to delete”? will be displayed on the screen with two options OK &Cancel.
    2. Clicks on OK for deleting the details.
    3. Clicks on Cancel to undo the action. The group will not be deleted.

    3.1.9 Pagination

    1. Click on the page number that the user wants to go to; the user will be redirected to that page.
    2. Click on Next for the next page.
    3. Click on Previous for the previous page.

    4. Conditional Question


    In the Conditional Question feature, the admin user creates a conditional question for the CAM dashboard and frontend user. For the groups of topics to be visible to the frontend users, the CAM and frontend users will have to give an appropriate answer. If CAM or frontend use responses accordingly, the topics and questions will be displayed on the frontend. The purpose of the conditional question feature is to display the assessment on the frontend/CAM dashboard conditionally.

    Features/ Components

    Three main steps fall under the Conditional Question given as follows: –

    • Conditional Administration (Manage Settings>>Frontend Configurations)
    • Assign Group to Conditional Question (Manage Scorecard Settings>>Manage Groups)
    • Conditional Groups Activation (Capabilities Scorecard)

    4.1 Conditional Administration

    Conditional Administration
    1. Create a conditional question that is to be displayed on the CAM dashboard before going on the scorecard frontend or which will be directly displayed to the frontend user before proceeding to the capabilities scorecard.
    2. User can create multiple conditional questions here.

    4.1(a) Setup Conditions button

    Setup Conditions button
    1. Click on the Setup Conditions button for creating conditional questions.
    After clicking on the “Setup Conditions” button
    1. Type the Question in the Conditional Questiontextbox.
    2. For creating multiple responses to the question, click on Add More button.
    3. Add Title & Description for the responses to a conditional question that is entered.
    Save Button
    1. Click on the Save button for saving the conditional question.
    Cancel Button
    1. Click on the Cancel button for canceling or not saving the conditional question.

    4.1(b) Activate/Deactivate checkbox

    Activate/Deactivate checkbox
    1. Check/uncheck the checkbox for activating/deactivating that particular conditional question.

    4.1(c) Edit button

    Edit button
    1. Click on the Edit button for editing the conditional questions.
    After clicking on the edit button
    1. Edit the fields that the user wants to.
    2. After editing, click on the Save button for saving the changes made by the user.

    4.1(d) Delete button

    Delete Button
    1. Click on the Delete button to delete the conditional question.
    2. After clicking on the Delete button, the question will be deleted and a message “Conditional Question is deleted successfully”.

    4.1(e) Set the conditional flow

    Set the conditional flow
    1. Check the checkbox for activating the conditional flow for the conditional question.
    2. Only after clicking on this checkbox, the conditional question will be displayed for the CAM dashboard and any frontend user.

    4.2 Assign Group to Conditional Question (Manage Groups)

    Assign Group to Conditional Question (Manage Groups)

    Groups are sets of topics. For example: for some of the partner user wants to display a different set of questions on the frontend & a different set of questions for other partners. To serve that purpose, the Manage Groups feature is used.

    1. 5 columns are displayed on the Manage Groups page given as follows:-
      • #
      • Group Name
      • Assign Group to Conditional Question
      • Assign Group by Partner in CAM Dashboard
      • Action (EDIT & DELETE button)
    2. The topics which will be assigned by the Admin user to the conditional question will show a green tick in the 3rd column.
      • For Conditional Question action user needs to be aware of the Manage Groups step.
      • Here user will assign the groups to the conditional question that the user has created in the Manage Groups module (please follow the Manage Groups module)
    1. Select Assign Group to Conditional Question (1st radio button)
    1. User will not be able to change the group assignments if groups are already assigned to one or more conditional questions. (Shown in the picture above)

    4.2(a) Submit button

    Submit button
    1. Click on Submit button for saving the action (Assign Group to Conditional Question)

    4.3 Conditional Groups Activation

    Conditional Groups Activation
    1. Click on Expand link for opening the page.
    After clicking on Expand link
    1. The conditional questions activated from the conditional administration step will display here.
    2. Conditional questions with all responses will display here.

    4.3(a) Assign Groups

    Assign Groups
    1. Click in the textbox, and a dropdown will open for all the groups(Assigned to Conditional question).
    2. Click on the group name for the selection, that the user wants to display for a particular question response.
    After assigning groups

    4.3(b) Activate/Deactivate

    1. Check the checkboxes for activating the groups for responses which will display for the cam dashboard and frontend user, when CAM or frontend user selects a response.

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