Select Components to be included in the Business Plan/QBR Export |
How |
- Add new report is similar to edit the report.
- Here CAM can choose which applications should display in the PDF or included in the QBR Report.
- CAM can change components title also.
- CAM can choose by click in the check boxes that are display in select column.
- CAM can select Cover Page, Table of Content, and Introduction.
- CAM can write or edit the introduction by click on the edit icon.
- To save the changes CAM can click on the Save button.
Introduction |
How |
- CAM can enter or edit the Introduction
For PPD (After click on the edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can choose PPD report and can also select fiscal year by click on the fiscal year dropdown.
- CAM can select metrics that will include in the PDF for PPD.
- CAM can select export configuration whether it will include charts, title, description and the primary table or includes charts, title and desctiption.
For Business Action Plan Report (After click on edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can choose Business Action Plan reoprt and can select view whether it will be Comprehensive Goal & Activity View or Goal, Activity Table view or Goal, Activity Summary view.
Capabilities Scorecard |
- CAM can choose capabilities scorecard summary report which is step 2 of scorecard and capabilities Scorecard action plan report which is step 4 of scorecard.
Task Manager (After click on edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can choose Task Manager and can choose how to sort the records and which task should display in export.
- CAM can choose how to sort form the sort by dropdown. There are folowing options:-
- Task Status
- Planned Achievement date
- Actual Completion Date
- Last Updated Date
- Start date
- CAM can select tasks to be displayed from the dropdown. There are following options:-
- All Tasks
- Not Started
- In Progress
- Completed
- Recommended
Account Planning (After click on edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can set filters by from the dropdown. Options are:-
- Deal registration Date
- Estimated closed Date
- CAM can set deal registration date, start to end date by choosing from the calender.
- CAM can sort the records by choosing from the sort by dropdown. Options are:-
- Account Name
- Account ID#
- Partner sales Rep
- Product Opportunities
- Opportunity status
- Deal Registration Date
- Deal ID#
- Deal $ Size
- Estimated Close Date
- Most recently registered deals
- Most recently edited or merged.
Marketing Action Plan Report (After click on edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can choose Marketing action plan and can select fiscal year from the dropdown.
- CAM can select period for which report will be exported, from Annually/ Semi-Annually/ Quaterly
- CAM can select view, from Comprehensive Goal & Activity View/ Goal Activity Table view/ Goal, Activity Summary view.
Partner Profile Report |
- CAM can choose Partner Profile Report by click on the check box.
External Task Summary Report (After click on edit icon) |
How |
- CAM can choose External task summary report and can choose how to sort the records and which task should display in export.
- CAM can choose how to sort form the sort by dropdown. There are folowing options:-
- Task Status
- Planned Achievement date
- Actual Completion Date
- Last Updated Date
- Start date
- CAM can select tasks to be displayed from the dropdown. There are following options:-
- All Tasks
- Not Started
- In Progress
- Completed
- Recommended
- CAM can choose Channel Team Summary, Partner Contact Summary and Scorecard Question Response Summary by click on the check box.
Comments Link |
How |
- Click on Comments, it will create a new row for comments.
- Admin can write comments for the business plan.
- Admin can delete the comment by click on the delete icon.