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A Channel Marketer’s Fantasy: Closed Loop ROI Management

One of the biggest fears of a channel executive is making investment decisions with incomplete information on activities with uncertain forecasted out...

If You Put One Dollar into Your Channel, How Many Dollars Do You Get Back?

Most channel executives are familiar with the dreaded question from the company CFO or CEO: What did we get for what we spent in the channel last quar...

Partner Marketing Scorecards for Better MDF ROI

Effective sales-lead generation marketing is hard work, and doing it well is difficult for even seasoned marketers. It is no surprise that channel par...

9 Key Success Factors for Higher ROI Channel MDF

It is estimated that over $10 billion dollars are spent every year on Market Development Funds (MDF), Cooperative Funds (Coop), or Business Developmen...

10 Minute Partner Quarterly Marketing Plan, Calendar, Budget, Lead Forecast & ROI – Part B

A channel marketer’s dream… a detailed quarterly partner marketing plan you can believe in, complete with goals and strategies, budget, lead and r...

5 Reasons Why MDF & Co-op Programs are Broken and How to Fix for Better ROI

Channel executives spend nearly $10 billion each year in Channel MDF (Market Development Funds) and Co-op (Cooperative Marketing Funds), yet they s...

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