How |
- User can set type for Pipeline levels, edit pipeline levels name and set deal closed probability/ Levels.
- User can edit Pipeline Levels Name by clicking on the input field.
- User can edit Set Deals Closed Probability/ Levels by clicking in the input field. Total % is 100. User can set % for deal closed probability.
- User can add new pipeline levels by clicking the add more button. It will create a blank row where user can put values according to their need.
- User can select type for pipeline level by clicking in the dropdown.
- In the droopdown there are following options
- Open
- Closed/ Won
- Closed/ Lost
- User can delete the row by clicking in the delete button.
- After clicking the delete button, it will display a message “Do you want to delete this level”.
- If user click on ok button, then the level deleted permanently and if user click on cncel button, then will nothing happen to that level.