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A marketing action plan is one you can create to help your business execute marketing strategies. This tool can help you keep your goals, strategies, and activities on track and monitor your progress. Admin(Client) has the flexibility to manage goals, activity types for the partners. Admin creates the programs including different segments and different focuses. Admin has the authority to provide the different types of funds to the partner so that partners can run different activities smoothly to achieve marketing goals. This is how the Admin user manages a marketing action plan.


Manage Marketing Action Plan have the following components:-

  • Manage Goals
  • Manage Activity Types
  • Manage Program/Funds
  • Manage Fields
  • Manage Field Labels

1.2.1 Manage Goals

Manage Goals
How it Works
  1. Manage Goals feature shows the list of all the goals defined by the admin user.
  2. Goals are set to achieve the desired outcome. Activity in the goals further breakdown your goals into a precise plan for your marketing action.

1.2.1(a) Add More

Add More
How it Works
  1. Add a Goal
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan > Manage Goals.
    • Click on Add More link to create a new goal.
    • After clicking on add more link, a new row will be added for Goal ID, Goal Name & Delete action.
    • Assign a new goal id (Required) for creating a new goal.
    • Name the goal (Character Limit – 255) that the admin user wants to create.
    • Every admin user-defined goal will have its unique goal id.
    • A validation check is inserted in this feature i.e. No two goals can have the same goal id.
    • Click on the Save button to save the new goal created by the admin user.
  2. Edit a Goal
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan>Manage Goals.
    • In the Goal ID field edit the goal id if wanted, the change will reflect on the frontend.
    • In the Goal Name field edit the name of the goals that are created, the change will reflect on the frontend.
    • Click the Save button.
  3. Delete a Goal
    • Click on the Delete button in the last column of the Manage Goal table.
    • Delete (Enabled): Delete one or more goals that are not associated with any active/inactive partner(s) plans.
    • Delete (Disabled): Delete button is disabled for the goals that are associated with one or more active/inactive partner(s) plans.
    • Note: Goals that have one or more plans cannot be deleted.

1.2.2 Manage Activity Types

Manage Activity Types
  1. Manage Activity Type feature shows the list of all the activities defined by the admin user.
  2. Here, the admin user can see the Activity types, Activity Type ID#, Activity Title Name, Manage Activity Type Coefficient, and edit or delete the activity detail.
  3. Admin user can also see the goal title under which a particular activity is defined.
How it Works
  1. Admin user can define a new activity here.
  2. Admin user will assign a goal to activity under which user is creating activity. Both the goals and activities will be displayed to the frontend users.

1.2.2(a) Add new activity type+

Add new activity type+
After clicking on the link
How it Works
  1. Add an Activity Type:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan > Manage Activity Types.
    • Click on Add New Activity Type+ link.
    • After clicking on the “Add new activity type+” link admin user gets a pop-up window with some fields.
    • In the first textbox, enter an activity type name.
    • In the second textbox, assign a unique activity type ID.
    • % Activity Type Reimbursement can be defined by an example:- Suppose a partner works on an activity with a capital investment of 1000$, partner asks for 80% part (800$) of this investment from the client. The client says I can provide you 50% for what you are asking for. i.e. 50% of (80%=800$)= 400 $ that 50% of 80 % is defined as % Activity Type Reimbursement.
    • It is also set up by the admin user.
    • Admin user will select a goal from the dropdown, it shows all the goals defined by the admin user in “manage goals”.
    • Admin user can hide/show the type.
    • Click on the Save button.
  2. Edit an Activity Type:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan > Manage Activity Types.
    • Click on the Edit button in the Action column for editing the activity type.
    • Make the desired changes that the admin user wants.
    • Hit the Save button.
  3. Delete an Activity Type:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan > Manage Activity Types.
    • Click on the Delete button in the last column of the Manage Activity Type table.
    • Delete (Enabled): Delete one or more activity types that are not associated with any active/inactive partner(s) plans.
    • Delete (Disabled): Delete button is disabled for the activity types that are associated with one or more active/inactive partner(s) plans.

1.2.2(b) Expand

After clicking on the link
How it Works
  1. After clicking on Expand link admin user gets a pop-up window with some fields.
  2. In the first textbox, enter an activity title name for that particular activity type.
  3. In the second textbox, enter a description for that particular title.
  4. User can define multiple activity titles for an activity type by clicking on Add more+ link.
  5. But admin user can not delete the activity title which is being used by any single frontend user.
  6. Only defined titles that are not in use by any frontend user can be deleted by an admin user.
  7. Click on the Save button, new activity title gets saved.
  8. Click on the Delete button for deleting an activity type.
  9. Admin user can delete only that defined activity type that is not being used by any single frontend user.

1.2.2(c) Setup Lead Waterfall Forecast

Setup Lead Waterfall Forecast
Status Icon
  1. shows Lead Waterfall Forecast Setup “Not Complete”
  2. shows Lead Waterfall Forecast Setup “Complete”
After clicking on the link
Status Icon
  1. Forecast contains the list of lead levels that are specific to an activity type.
  2. After the admin user defines an activity type and activity title, it will not be displayed to the frontend user unless the user setups a forecast for that activity.
  3. After clicking on the Setup Lead Waterfall Forecast link, the admin user gets a pop-up window with 2 tabs: Manage ROI Metrics & Choose ROI Metrics
  4. User will select some metrics from the tab “Choose ROI metrics”. User can add a new metric by themselves. The selected metrics will be displayed in the first tab “Manage ROI metrics”.
  5. User will add a conversion coefficient for each metric in the “Manage ROI metrics” tab.
  6. After clicking on the “Save” button the metrics get saved. And activity will be displayed to frontend users

1.2.2(c.1) Choose ROI Metrics

Choose ROI Metrics
How it Works
  1. In the Choose ROI Forecast tab, admin user have the list of default lead levels around 5. Each metric has a lead level.
  2. User can add a new metric by itself by clicking on Add Row button. Admin user can create a new metric either with the same lead level or with a new lead level.
  3. The selected metrics will be displayed in the first tab “Manage ROI metrics”.
  4. Admin user can check/uncheck the metric.
  5. Admin user will define a metric description for a particular metric.
  6. Admin user will define a metric level for showing in Manage ROI Metrics.
  7. Click on the Save button for saving the selected metrics.

1.2.2(c.2) Manage ROI Metrics

Manage ROI Metrics
How it Works
  1. All the selected metrics from Choose ROI Metrics will display in this tab.
  2. Admin user will add conversion coefficient for each metric in the tab Manage ROI Metrics.
  3. Set Conversion Coefficient helps to calculate the estimated value of the lead level.
  4. Admin user can check/uncheck choose required for showing on frontend.
  5. Click on the Save button to get the metrics saved. After this, the activity will be displayed to the frontend user.

1.2.3 Manage Program/Funds

Manage Program/Funds
  1. Manage Program/Funds feature allows the admin user to create a program under which different activities are being run.
  2. Funds are provided for the running of activities to achieve the set goals.
  3. Admin user has the flexibility to manage these programs and funds for the activities and goals.
How it works
  1. First, the admin user will make a program featuring segments.
  2. After the program is created, the admin user will create funds for that program and the admin user can manage these programs and funds.
  3. Admin user will assign fund name, fund type, fund id, start date, an end date for the fund.

1.2.3(a) Manage Programs

Manage Programs
  1. Manage Programs feature shows the list of all the progprogramsated by the admin user.
  2. Admin user can see the program name and that program’s different segments.
After clicking on the Manage Programs link

1.2.3(a.1)Add Program button

Add Program button
After clicking on the button
How it works
  1. Add a Program:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan>Manaage Program/Funds.
    • Click on the Manage Programs link from the top right side.
    • Click on Add Program+ button.
    • In the first textbox, enter a program name (required).
    • Assign different Program segments(required) for which the funds will be provided.
    • Click on Submit button.
  2. Edit a Program:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan>Manaage Program/Funds.
    • Click on the Manage Programs link from the top right side.
    • Click on the Edit button in the Action column for editing a program.
    • Make the desired changes that the admin user wants.
    • Hit the Submit button.
  3. Delete a Program:
    • In the left navigation, click on Manage Marketing Action Plan>Manaage Program/Funds.
    • Click on the Manage Programs link from the top right side.
    • Click on the Delete button in the Action for deleting a program.
    • Delete (Enabled): Delete one or more programs that are not associated with any active/inactive partner(s) plans.
    • Delete (Disabled): Delete button is disabled for the programs that are associated with one or more active/inactive partner(s) plans.

1.2.3(b) Create Funds button

Create Funds button
  • Here, the admin user creates funds for the different programs. activities to achieve goals. A fund is needed for the smooth running and functioning of the activities.
Why A fund is needed for the smooth running and functioning of the activities.
After clicking on Create funds button
After clicking on Create funds button
  • In the Program Name dropdown, select a program from the dropdown list. This dropdown shows the programs created by the admin user in the Manage Program feature.
  • Admin user will select fund type from the dropdown. Two types of funds are defined here given as follows:-
  • Discretionary- an amount of money that is available to spend on things that are not considered necessary but that may be useful. This fund is available for all partners.
  • Accrued- fund available for specific partners, not available for all partners, given as a reward.
  • Admin user will give a fund name and assign a unique fund id.
  • Admin user will defined fund focus (on which parts funds will be spent i.e. Award, Redemption, Enrollment).
  • Fund balance will be defined.
  • Fund start date and end date will be entered. Both dates must be lie in that FY.
  • Admin user will assign the partner names for funds.
  • Admin user will approve the Activity types for the funds, the user is creating. These activity types must be pre-defined by the admin user.
  • Click on Submit button to get a new find created.
  • Click on the Edit button for editing a fund.
  • Click on the Delete button for deleting a fund.
  • A fund can not be deleted if it is approved for partners or activity types.

1.2.3(b.1) Approved partner(s) for funds

Approved partner(s) for funds
  • Click on the View List link for viewing the list of partners for whom the fund is approved
After clicking on the link

1.2.3(b.2) Approved Activity Type

Approved Activity Type
  • Click on the View List link for viewing the list of activity types for which the fund is approved.
After clicking on the link

1.2.4 Manage Fields

Manage Fields
How it works
  1. Admin user has the flexibility to create several fields.
  2. By using the Manage Field feature admin user can create these fields.
  3. These fields will be displayed on the frontend and these fields have no direct effect on the marketing action plan.
  4. Admin user can not delete the pre-defined fields which are being used by any single frontend user.
  5. Only those defined fields can be deleted which are not in use by any single frontend user.

1.2.4(a) Add New Field+ button

Add New Field+ button
After clicking on the button
How it works
  • After clicking on the button, a pop-up window appears on the screen with two fields. i.e. Field Name & Field type.
  • Enter a field name that the admin user wants to create.
  • Select field type from the dropdown list and after selecting any value from the dropdown, it gets closed.
  • Click on the Save button, a new field gets created and will be displayed in the field list.

1.2.5 Manage Field Labels

Manage Field Labels
  • Admin user can change the standard labels to Client-Oriented Labels (as per client’s convenience).
How it works
  • Enter new labels in the text boxes for the respective standard labels.
  • Click on the Save button, a message “Data Updated Successfully” will be displayed and the labels will be changed.
  • The changed labels will be displayed on the front end.

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