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A marketing action plan is one you can create to help your business execute marketing strategies. This tool can help you keep your goals, strategies, and activities on track and monitor your progress.


Marketing Action Plan has the following components: –

  • Home
  • Select Periods
  • Define Goals, Activities
  • Define Activity Details
  • Marketing Plan Estimate
  • View Your Plan

6.2.1. Home

Why The purpose of this page is to show the details outcome for the activities setup in a fiscal year. This makes it to examine a range of possibility at a glance because it helps you to focus on some specific results that are shared on this page.
  1. When contacts of partners or Channel Team Manager log in to it, this page will be visible to them.
  2. For new users it will be blank.
  3. The user who has already created the plan will see following details :-
    • Activity Title
    • Activity Completion Status
    • Fund Approval Status
    • Activity acceptance Status
    • Collaborate
    • Fund Status
    • Fund Request ID
    • Manage Activity
    • Period
    • Program
    • Fund
    • Fund Balance
    • Requested Amount
    • ROI Forecast (View More Details)
  4. It will show for which Fiscal Year, User has created activities which are executed.
  5. It will give an overall report for the selected Fiscal Year. Activity Completion Status

Activity Completion Status
Why The purpose is to display the current state of the activity(s) listed below and based on the current state of the activity user can take action.
Status icon
  1. Shows that activity is incomplete
  2. Shows that activity is completed.
  3. Shows that activity is approved but not accepted.
  4. Shows that activity is approved and accepted. Select Fiscal Year

Select Fiscal Year
What A fiscal year is a one-year period that companies use for financial reporting and budgeting.
  1. Click on Select Fiscal Year dropdown
  2. Select the fiscal year from the dropdown list for which the activities are to be done. Three Dot icon/Column Display/Hide

Three Dot icon
  1. Click on Display/Hide icons
  2. Display the titles of the column from the grid table on the homepage.
  3. Select the column that should display from the list.
  4. Deselect the column that should remain hidden.
  5. Click Apply after making the selections.
Based on the above steps. The table grid will only display the column that is selected to display. Excel Icon

Excel Icon
  1. Click on this button for downloading the record in excel for offline purpose. Filter Button

Filter Button
Why Filter in marketing action plan help users to focus on the specific information from the large set of data in the data table.
  1. If user wants to show the activity according to any particular detail, then click and select field for inserting that detail.
  2. After inserting detail, click on apply button. It will display accordingly whatever user wants.
  3. On click Clear All button, it will clear all the fields whatever user selected.
  4. This action provides a way to filter out results from the data table that do not pass the criteria set by the partner. Show Entries

Show Entries
How it Works
  1. Click on dropdown.
  2. Select the number (10, 25, 50, and 100) from the dropdown.
  3. The details will be displayed on screen according to the selected number from dropdown. Manage Button

Manage Button
How Clicking on manage redirects to this page to define details for the activity for which the Manage button is clicked Chat Button

Chat button
Why The main purpose of this chat button is to chat with the partner directly regarding a particular activity.
  • Click on Chat button
  • Write the message what user wants to send regarding a particular activity.
  • Write the message what user wants to send regarding a particular activity. ROI Forecast

ROI Forecast
Why This display the conversion values from the changes made in the plan for an activity.
How A value is assigned to the top tier lead level Number of Impressions and the rest of the lead levels values are generated based on the conversion coefficients set at each lead level or values can also be assigned at each level on the probability of closing.

6.2.2. Select Period(s)

Select Periods
Why To select the period in which the campaigns will be executed.
How Select/Click the planning period to create/edit/modify the marketing action plan. Plan Completion Status

Plan Completion Status
What Defines the activity(s)c ompletion status of the planning period.
Status Icons
  • Shows that planned activity details are completed.
  • Shows that activity details are partially completed.
  • Shows that there is no plan available.
  • Shows that plan is not started. Back Button

Back Button
How Click on Back Button for Home page. Next Button

Next Button
  • Click on Next Button for Define Goals, Activities page.
  • If user does not choose any plan period and clicks on Next Button, it will show a message (Like in the given screenshot below)

6.2.3. Define Goals, Activities

Define Goals, Activities
Why Goals are set to achieve the desired outcome. Activity in the goals further breakdown your goals into a precise plan for your marketing action
What Here user can set Goal, Activity type, and Activity title. User can also enter manually activity title descriptions. Manage Goals & Activities

Manage Goals & Activities
How Here user will define the goal, activity type, and activity title and activity description. Goal

  • Click on Goal dropdown
  • Select the goal from the dropdown list that user wants to set.
  • Activity Type

    Activity Type
    How it works
  • Click on Activity Type dropdown.
  • Select the activity type from the dropdown list. (Only those activity types will be displayed in list that are listed in goal set by user above)
  • Activity Title

    Activity Title
    How it works
    1. Click on Activity Title dropdown.
    2. Select the activity title from the dropdown list that user wants to set.
    3. User can create own activity title by itself (Characters limit should not exceed 70)
    4. Activity Title Description (Characters limit should not exceed 300) Activity Title Description

    Activity Title Description
  • Enter the Activity Title Description in the given textbox.
  • User can drag the textbox for more space in the textbox.
  • Save Button

    Save Button
    How After filling the Goal, Activity type, activity title and descriptions, click on Save Button for the details to get saved. Delete Button

    Delete Button
  • Click on Delete Button if user wants to delete the details that have been inserted.
  • It will show a message given in the screenshot.
  • On clicking yes, details will be deleted.
  • On clicking No, nothing will happen.
  • Back Button

    Back Button
    How Click on Back Button for page Select Period(s). Next Button

    Next Button
    How it works After filling all the details, Click on Next Button for page Define Activity Details. Add Button

    Add Button
    How Click on Add Button for adding a new goal and activity type. Search Bar

    Search Bar
    Why The Primary purpose is to display the activity details of a particular activity that the user wants to display.
    How Enter the Activity Title in search bar, the activity details will be displayed on screen. Activity Title Column

    Activity Title Column
  • If there are multiple Goals and user wants to display details of any activity then user can swap between them by clicking on the activity name.
  • If the mandatory fields in Manage Activity Details are filled, then the activity status icon will be green in colour.
  • 6.2.4 Define Activity Details

    Activity Details
    What The activity details for a particular defined activity typically consists of a brief phrase or label that is assigned to that defined activity.
    Why Activity details help in advertising strategy that a business will implement to sell its product or service. Activity details will help determine who the target market is, how best to reach them, at what price point the product or service should be sold to make a profit, and how the company will measure its efforts. Manage Activities

    Manage Activities
    How Click on Activity Title for which user wants to define activity details. Choose Programs and Funds

    Choose Programs and Funds
    How Click on checkbox for selecting programs and funds for the selected active Calculate Requested Amount and Forecast Outcome

    Calculate Requested Amount and Forecast Outcome
    1. For calculating requested amount user will enter following fields:-
      • Enter Total Activity Cost required for the activity.
      • Enter % of Total Activity Cost that user wants client to provide.
      • Client name % Activity Reimbursement will be set by client.
      • Requested Amount will be calculated automatically after filling above fields.
      • Requested Amount will be calculated by : - (Total Activity Cost* % of total activity cost) * % of activity reimbursement.
      • For Example: Let total activity cost = $2,300 % Of total activity cost = 50% % Of activity reimbursement = 100% Requested amount = (Total Activity Cost* % of total activity cost) * % of activity reimbursement
        = (2,300 * 50%) * 100% = 1,150
    2. Choose Forecast Method & Enter Estimates
    3. It can be calculated in two ways:-
      • Auto-Calculated
      • Manual
  • Here user will calculate the ROI automatically.
  • Number of Impression represents number of audience/customers to which activity will reach.
  • Average Deal Size represents that if one deal gets confirmed then how much it will return.
  • Manual
  • Enter the value of different Lead Levels.
  • Enter the Average Deal Size.
  • Define Additional Details

    Define Additional Details
    Why The main purpose is to provide the additional details allied programs and important dates.
  • Click on Program Segment dropdown and select a segment from the dropdown list.
  • Click on Fund Focus dropdown and select a focus from the dropdown list.
  • Enter the Planned Start Date from calendar.
  • Enter the Planned End Date from calendar.
  • Write the important note in the Notes textbox.
  • Plan Activity Status

    Plan Activity Status
    Status Icons
  • Represents the Goal. If all the details regarding the goal are filled then it will be green in colour.
  • Represents the Program and Fund Selection. If the user has selected any programs and funds then it will be green in colour and if not then red in colour.
  • Represents the forecasted Outcomes Summary. If user has filled all the fields of Calculate Requested Amount and Forecast Outcome then it will be green in colour otherwise it will be red in colour.
  • Represents the additional details for the Goal. If any field is not filled then it will be red in colour and if all fields are filled then it will be green in colour.
  • Represents the fund approval status for the activity
  • Represents the Fund Acceptance status.
  • Back and Next button

    Back and Next button
  • Click on Back Button for page Define Goals, Activities.
  • Click on Next Button for page Marketing Plan Estimate.
  • Search Bar

    Search Bar
  • Enter the Activity Title in search bar; it will be displayed on screen..
  • Activity Details Status Column

    Activity Details Status
    Show Icon
  • Shows if the user selects any programs and funds then it will be green in colour and if not then red in colour.
  • Shows If user has filled all the fields of Calculate Requested Amount and Forecast Outcome then it will be green in colour otherwise it will be red in colour.
  • Shows if any field of additional details is not filled then it will be red in colour and if all fields are filled then it will be green in colour.
  • Save Button

    Save Button
  • Click on Save Button for the activity details to get saved.
  • 6.2.5. Marketing Plan Estimate

    Marketing Plan Estimate
    What A marketing plan estimate is an operational document that outlines a marketing strategy that a company will implement to generate leads and reach its target market. A marketing plan details the outreach and campaigns to be undertaken over a period, including how the company will measure the effect of these initiatives.
    Why It details projected results, tactics and costs. Marketing plans are important because they highlight the specific actions team members plan to take to reach target customers, build brand awareness and increase revenue.
  • User can see the approval status for planned activity completion and funding whether the funding from the client is approved or not and fund acceptance status also display.
  • If both are done, then the icons that are used for these two should become green in colour from red in colour.
  • Lead Waterfall Funnel

    Lead Waterfall Funnel
    What Waterfall charts are a data visualization resource that can help you gather and track important data such as traffic goals and lead generation.
    Why It is used to visually illustrate how a starting lead value becomes a final and actual value through different level.
  • There are five lead levels and for each level has conversion rate that are set by the admin
  • If user uses the auto calculated or manually calculated in previous page then user has to put the value accordingly.
  • According to this rate Activity Forecast, Marketing Plan Total and Lead Conversion Rate will display (for each lead level there should be an activity level name)
  • Forecasted Outcome Summary

    Forecasted Outcome Summary
    Why The main purpose is to calculate the forecasted outcome for that activity.
    What In Forecasted Outcome Summary, Forecasted Outcome will be calculated by (Activity Forecast * Average Deal Size) ROI Forecast

    ROI Forecast
    What Return on Investment (ROI) is a popular profitability metric used to evaluate how well an investment has performed and it is expressed as a percentage. In ROI Forecast, ROI will be calculated by (Forecasted Outcome/ Requested Amount) * 100 Back and Next Button

    Back and Next Button
  • Click on Back Button for previous page Define Activity Details.
  • Click on Next Button for next page View Your Plan.
  • 5.2.6 View Your Plan

    View Your Plan
    What View Your Plan is the summary of all the activities created for this marketing action plan for this period only. It enables user to view every single detail of the activities from Home page to Approval/Accepted status of activities. Back Button

    Back Button
    How Click on Back Button for page Select Period(s). Search Bar

    Search Bar
  • Enter the activity title in search bar that user wants to search.
  • User will find the searched activity on screen.
  • Show Entries

    Show Entries
  • Click on dropdown.
  • Select the number (10, 25, 50, and 100) from the dropdown.
  • The details will be displayed on screen according to the selected number from dropdown.
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